It's Very Dangerous Here

"Anissa, don't let it escape!"

"Yes, Master!" After Anissa received the order, a pair of blood-condensed wings suddenly grew out of her back and she quickly chased after him.

After the Fire Swallowing Beast flew into the sky, it thought that it was safe. It was a little angry and planned to turn around and launch a sneak attack. However, just as it turned around and spat out the fireball in its mouth, it saw Anissa chasing after it.

It ferociously shot magma fireballs at Anissa. Anissa's speed in the sky was not inferior to a flying creature at all. She dodged a few times and only took one hit.

However, this attack burned a few holes in her dress. Anissa was furious on the spot and directly threw the blood ball in her hand. The Fire Swallowing Beast could absorb flames, but it could not absorb the blood ball. Before it could react, it was heavily hit and fell to the ground.