I'm Telling You Not to Do Nonsense

"Damn it! What is this place? Why is there another bridge?!"

Zhang Xiong said angrily. At the same time, he punched the stone wall of the cave. The sound in the cave was amplified several times, so it was very loud.

"Zhang Xiong, what are you doing? Don't do anything rash. Demons will appear here at any time!"

Unexpectedly, as soon as Xiao Wu finished speaking, everyone saw a Blue-Striped Leopard appear on the other side of the bridge. It bared its fangs and looked at the intruders.

Xiao Xiao became nervous. He looked at the Rank-7 Blue-Striped Leopard and his heart turned cold. Why was there another Rank-7? Damn it! Ever since he came to the volcano mountain range, he had encountered nothing but Rank-7 monsters. Didn't they say that there were only a small number of Rank-7 monsters? Rank-7 monsters were clearly everywhere.

"Zhang Xiong, I told you not to mess around. You're in trouble!" Xiao Wu blamed him.