Chapter 3: "This assassination method is truly unheard of."

Shaking his head to clear his thoughts, Kerr Cowell quickly assessed his surroundings.

It seemed to be an abandoned warehouse.

There was a thick layer of dust on the floor, clearly showing many messy footprints, indicating that quite a few people had recently walked through the warehouse.

These people were clearly lazy, not even bothering to clean up after themselves.

"Where is this?"

Scar Dog quickly scanned the area, only letting out a sigh of relief after confirming that there was no immediate danger, "This talent is really amazing, it can actually be used in this way."

He had been in this world for three months, and this was the first time he had used his talents. After all, he hadn't had this many Energy Blocks to spend before.

Especially since Energy Blocks were strictly controlled in this world.

"I don't know."

Kerr Cowell shook his head, slightly anxiously, "But there are quite a few footprints here, and they seem fresh. This must be a warehouse belonging to someone. It's better to get away from here as soon as possible. In this world, those who own such a large warehouse are definitely not easy to deal with."

Then, he scanned the surroundings, searching for the warehouse's exit.

He had to get to the street as soon as possible, hijack a vehicle, and leave City 18 before he could be truly safe.

As for why he didn't hijack a vehicle at the Item Shop earlier,

That was because all the vehicles in City 18 had systems connected with the Law Enforcement Bureau, and they left their highest authority on the vehicles when they left the factory.

In other words, if they hijacked a vehicle in front of the Law Enforcement Bureau and escaped, the bureau could easily use their highest authority to shut down the vehicle and make it wait until it ran out of power.

This was why they had to wait for Culver's vehicle to pick them up. Culver's armored off-road vehicle was illegally modified and had no backdoor left by the Law Enforcement Bureau.

And the reason why Scar Dog was so reluctant to let go of that Energy Block was that they had always wanted to have their own assembled vehicle. With their own vehicle, their actions would be much more convenient, and they could completely kick Culver out of the loop, taking all the profits of the operation for themselves, rather than having Culver take half the profits without bearing any risks.

But if they were decisive enough, they could hijack a vehicle and leave completely before the Law Enforcement Bureau reacted, as long as they weren't watched closely.

Just as the two were about to leave,

Suddenly, several strong lights were turned on from the warehouse ceiling, instantly illuminating the dark space as if it was daytime.

They could even see the tiny dust particles dancing in the beams of light.

"Clap, clap, clap!"

A middle-aged man wearing a suit and a bowler hat, surrounded by an entourage of subordinates armed with rifles, strode in. He stopped less than five meters in front of Kerr Cowell, looked at him admiringly, and said,

"You must be with the nightwalkers."

"I have heard of the nightwalker faction for a long time, they are elusive, difficult for ordinary people to find, and there is nowhere in this world they can't go. Today, sure enough, their reputation is not undeserved."

"My Cold Wolf Gang has more than thirty people guarding this warehouse from the outside, but you managed to sneak in without alerting anyone."

"Good, very good!"

The square-faced middle-aged man first flattered them and then barked an order. One of his subordinates stepped forward with a black card in both hands.

"This is an unregistered credit card with one million credit points, as we agreed upon."

"Since you're here, we'll give you the card."

"According to the way you nightwalkers do business, you take the money first, then do the job."

"Three days, is there a problem?"

At this point, Scar Dog was completely dumbfounded. Had they accidentally stumbled into some gang's transaction location? What was this brain-splattered mess within three days?

They weren't hitmen. They must have the wrong guy, right?

If they were to say right now that they were simply passing by, they meant no harm, and these people had the wrong person, would they be believed? And if believed, would they be allowed to leave?

Kerr Cowell's mouth twitched slightly, as he looked at the unwelcome guests trying to give him one million credit points, bracing himself to speak, "The person..."

He decided to stall for time to figure out the situation.

After all, he wasn't an assassin from some damn nightwalker faction. And the so-called nightwalker, what a lousy name, sounding like a second-hand knockoff.

But before he could speak,

The lead middle-aged man noticed the Steel Sword Self-Controlled Multi-Barrel Turret on Scar Dog's shoulder, and couldn't help but laugh, "I was blind not to see it before. I thought your assassination style would be the slightly dated method of using nightwalker clothes and swords."

"I didn't expect that your assassination method would be carrying a Steel Sword Self-Controlled Multi-Barrel Turret."

"This is a truly unprecedented assassination method."

"Of course, using the Steel Sword Self-Controlled Multi-Barrel Turret, there's no way you could bring back a severed head. I'm afraid you wouldn't even be able to leave a complete corpse."

"Only the nightwalkers."

"You have truly opened up a whole new style of assassination."

"Since that's the case, you don't need to bring me his head, just give me a video of that old dog being blasted to death. I need to make sure that the old dog is dead. Can you do that?"


Kerr Cowell's mouth twitched again involuntarily, as he glanced at the Steel Sword Self-Controlled Multi-Barrel Turret on Scar Dog's shoulder, unsure of what to say.

The man in front of them clearly thought they were nightwalkers.

This operation just seemed to be filled with unexpected difficulties all of a sudden.

Taking a deep breath, he braced himself to continue the act. the man in front of them didn't seem to know what the real nightwalkers looked like, so they should be able to deceive him.

Afterward, he calmly said, "Within three days, you will see what you want to see."

"Good, straightforward!"

This middle-aged man wasn't one to beat around the bush. With a wave of his hand, he let one of his men hand over the anonymous credit card and a memory card the size of a fingernail to Kerr Cowell.

"This card has all the information you need about your assassination target, including appearance and regular haunts."

Kerr Cowell calmly accepted the anonymous credit card and the memory card, acting aloof. He nodded and didn't say another word, turning around and heading towards the exit of the warehouse.

Once they were out of sight of the people behind them,

Kerr and Scar Dog exchanged glances, fear washing over them. They didn't dare to waste any more time, flagged down a vehicle, took out the driver with a single shot, and put him in the trunk.

Driving at full throttle, they made their way towards the outskirts of the city.