Chapter 22: Gunshots and the smell of gunpowder are the eternal theme of the wilderness.

Very quickly.

Kerr Cowell and his companion followed the girl, leaving the Ruins Site.

As they stepped out of the Ruins Site, the playful girl in front quickly jumped ahead and went into a sunken pit.

Very quickly.

More than a dozen dusty men in gray clothes, blending perfectly with their surroundings, stood up from the pit, their guns pointed directly at Kerr Cowell and his companion.


A bald man stood up laughing, moving toward Kerr Cowell: "Welcome to the Human Survival Base. Your abilities are strong. I believe with your addition, the Human Survival Base will be even more prosperous."

"Of course, as long as you perform well."

The man paused for a moment before continuing with a meaningful expression: "You may even have the chance to pursue my sister. She has been following me since she was a child and admires the strong ones."

"As long as you perform well, you will definitely win my sister's heart."

"Oh my!"

The girl shyly hid behind the man, extending her fist to lightly tap the man's back: "Elder brother, can you please stop talking nonsense?"

At the same time, Kerr Cowell noticed that the dozen men in the pit seemed even more hostile after the man's words.

Apparently, they saw him as a love rival.

"Are we ready?"

Kerr Cowell scanned the surroundings cautiously. Once he was sure no one else was nearby, he calmly lifted his gun barrel and aimed at the man. Without any hesitation, he pulled the trigger.

"Let's get going if we're ready."


Short bursts of gunfire suddenly rang out in the wilderness.

Three months of wilderness survival experience taught Kerr Cowell a rule: when both sides are armed with firearms in close combat, the one who shoots first often has more chances of survival.


Bullets mixed with fire penetrated the man's abdomen.


Blood splattered, but it seemed the man had some kind of protective item as he didn't die instantly.

The man, shocked and furious, crawled back into the pit while yelling: "Shoot, shoot!!!"

In the instant Kerr Cowell opened fire...

Scar Dog, holding a shotgun in his hand and a crazed look in his eyes, fearlessly strode forward, pulling the trigger as he went.

His actions seemed to be at odds with his frequent claims of fear of death.

As for the frightened girl who had been caught off guard, she was shot down on the spot by Scar Dog as she tried to run towards the pit.


"Bang bang bang!"

Kerr Cowell and Scar Dog didn't hesitate to use their bullets, keeping the trigger tightly pressed, and releasing all the firepower they had.

At the same time, Kerr Cowell released the Steel Sword Self-Controlled Turret, targeting the pit, and began covering fire.

For a moment, the torrent of bullets kept the group of people trapped in the pit, unable to lift their heads.

A few people tried to imitate what they had seen in movies by raising their guns above their heads and shooting blindly.

However... the Steel Sword Self-Controlled Turret, a Two-Star Item, had an automatic targeting function.

After several of their arms were blown apart in mid-air and their agonizing screams rang out, no one dared to do so again.

When their enemies in the pit had been effectively pinned down...

Kerr Cowell took out two grenades from his bosom, bit off the pins with his teeth, and threw them into the pit with an elegant parabola.

He had saved these two disposable items from the goods he had seized from the Item Shop in City 18, preparing them for situations like this.

These two grenades were obviously very effective.

Kerr Cowell and Scar Dog even saw a person being blown into the air, before crashing down heavily into the pit.

At this point—

The people hiding in the pit decided not to just wait for their deaths any longer.

The man at the front of the group buried himself in the pit, his face twisted as he roared, "There are only two of them! Go out and fight, or we're all dead!"

"Anyway, we all have two lives!"

"What's there to be afraid of?"

These words ignited the people's bloodlust.

Soon, accompanied by the men's angry roars.

Those who were still alive emerged from the pits with fierce expressions, raising their firearms and madly spraying bullets at Kerr and Scar Dog.

"Tat tat tat!"

Gunshots and gun smoke were the eternal melody of the wilderness.

This was a world without law, with only the distinction between life and death.

To survive was the greatest reward for a living being!


A stray bullet hit Scar Dog's calf.

Scar Dog stumbled and fell to the ground, gritting his teeth and the veins in his neck bulging, but his hands remained steady, holding his shotgun.

He aimed at a man in front of him, filled with fear, randmly fumbling with the hand cannon's trigger, and roared angrily.

"Scared now?"

"Dare to fight with me?!"


The man's fearful face exploded like a watermelon, suddenly exploding!

The Steel Sword Self-Controlled Turret maintained its firing speed, continuously strafing at every person who exposed their heads.

"Tut tut tut!"

As the dull sound of bullet-light digging into their flesh rang out constantly.

The wailing slowly weakened.


All was quiet.

Kerr calmly walked to each corpse, carrying his rifle and gave them an additional shot to the head after confirming their deaths.

Only then did he walk to Scar Dog, looking at his injuries.

He took a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, lit one for him and handed it to his mouth.

Frowning slightly and looking somewhat discontented, he asked, "Why did you rush forward again? Is it necessary for the shotguns to charge forward?"


Scar Dog inhaled a painful breath of cold air, took a deep puff of the cigarette, exhaled a thick smoke over his wound as a makeshift anesthetic, and then he took a dagger wrapped in white cloth out of his pocket.

He stabbed the dagger into his wound, pryed out the bullet lodged inside.

Preciously, he took out a small capsule, crushed it, revealing a white powder inside.

He sprinkled the white powder on the wound, took a clean white cloth and wrapped his calf with it.

Finally, he breathed a sigh of relief.

After greedily inhaling another puff of cigarette, he pinched out the cigarette butt, and threw it away. He turned to Mr. Jacob with a wry smile, "Mr. Jacob, you know, I'm afraid of dying."

"Whenever I think they're going to kill me, I get scared."

"And when I get scared, my adrenaline makes me lose control and want to charge over, put an end to the enemy quickly."

Kerr's eyebrows furrowed as he sighed, staring at the white cloth around Scar Dog's calf, "There's still no need to rush forward."

"Minor issue."

Scar Dog shook his head: "I estimate it'll be healed in about three or four days."

He had used a capsule just now, which was a kind of capsule dropped by mutated beasts when they were killed.

It can effectively suppress inflammation and speed up the regeneration of flesh and blood around the wound.