Chapter 25: "A gentleman seeks revenge, but never in haste."

The flames flickered slightly outside the cave.

Seeing this, Kerr Cowell let out a sigh of relief, "The fire is heading outwards, which means it's most likely a dead-end cave with no other entrances."

He then placed the Steel Sword Self-Controlled Turret nearby, blocking the entrance of the cave.

He pulled out three smoke bombs with tear gas effects from his pocket and weighed them, saying, "I have to admit, these disposable items are really useful."

It would be much easier if the cave had no other entrances.

His main concern was that if one or two of them escaped, they might stab him in the back someday in the future.

He could also try burning them out, but there was a gathering place of unknown friend or foe humans nearby, and a wilderness full of Mutated Beasts behind.

If he made too much noise, it was uncertain whether these people would die or not, but it would be difficult for them to get away.

Then, Kerr Cowell and Scar Dog exchanged glances.

Without the slightest hesitation, they activated the Steel Sword Self-Controlled Turret and threw the three tear-gas smoke bombs into the depths of the cave with force.

The smoke bombs bounced off the walls and rolled deeper into the cave with a series of thuds.


Inside the cave at this time.

The group of people was huddled together, talking angrily with each other.

"Boss, we must take revenge for this. If it weren't for our Human Race Talent, which gave us an extra life, we would have been completely done for!"

"Exactly. We offered them an olive branch, wholly out of good intentions, but what did they do? They just started shooting without a word."


The man leading the group, with a sullen expression, coldly chided, "How do you expect us to take revenge? We've lost all our items."

"You saw that autoturret as well, right? What can we use to block it, our heads?"

"However, we will remember this."

"Doesn't a gentleman's revenge take time?"

"Shouldn't we use our wit?"

"Little Four, you go find Stick Master in the abandoned mine and tell him that there's a human player with a talent to enhance firearms using scrapped items. He'll definitely be interested."

"Little Five, you write a letter, wrap it with a stone, and toss it into the Ruins Security Room, saying that the person is a Human Player."

"Although I don't know what he went to the Ruins Site for, anyone who can openly interact with the Mechanical Race must be hiding their identity as a Human Player."

"And you."

The man turned to the woman beside him, his tone slightly gentler: "Why didn't your talent work this time? Check what's going on."

He didn't explicitly mention the woman's talent.

After all, the group of men beside him were brought together by this woman's talent. How could he openly discuss it?

Just by looking at the group of men nearby with anger and fear in their eyes, one could tell that they were already afraid of that man, but they didn't want to lose face in front of the woman they liked.

Using this method, he had gathered quite a few followers around him.

However, he didn't know why this talent suddenly failed.

But at that moment—

A few muffled noises suddenly exploded in the cave.

The leading man, taken aback, instinctively turned to see the smoke bombs bursting on the screen.

Almost instantly.

He quickly reacted, shouting as he dove to the ground: "Cover your mouths and noses, hide, and wait for them to charge in!"

Clearly, someone wanted to take them down.

Although they didn't know who it was, the best solution at this moment was to hide and give the invaders a fatal blow when they charged in.

For a while—

These men, who had also been through a three-month life and death journey in the wilderness, quickly scattered and hid all over the cave, holding stones in their hands and crouching in corners.

All their firearms and items had been left behind the first time they died.

At this point, they had to pick up any stones they could find and use them as weapons.

However, after waiting patiently for more than ten seconds.

There was no indication that the people outside were going to charge in.


They couldn't take it anymore.

Their eyes were bloodshot, tears streaming out uncontrollably, and breathing in the white smoke felt like inhaling volcanic ash in their lungs.

Each strike came with a burning, piercing pain.

His head also felt somewhat dizzy.

At this rate, he wouldn't be able to last long.

With a hardened resolve, the leader's eyes turned red as he opened his mouth to cough and growl, "Charge out and fight them! If we stay here, we'll all suffocate!"


At this time, outside the cave.

Neither Kerr Cowell nor Scar Dog were looking into the cave. Instead, they each stood on one side with their firearms in hand, patiently waiting.


Not long after the smoke bomb went off.

Dense and chaotic footsteps were heard from inside the cave.

At the same time, the gun turret placed at the entrance of the cave began to rotate its barrel and unleash firepower recklessly, declaring to the world the allure of guns!

"Tut tut tut!!!"

With bullet after bullet shooting out, the light bullets almost merged into a continuous line, firing relentlessly into the cave.

"Thump, thump."

Muffled sounds of bullets penetrating bodies and pain-filled wails could be heard.

After about a minute or two, everything quieted down.

Kerr Cowell and Scar Dog, however, still stood outside the cave.

By now, the smoke had been drifting out from the cave, and fortunately, it was dark outside, so it wasn't too noticeable.

When the smoke had mostly cleared,

Both Kerr Cowell and Scar Dog, carrying their firearms, stepped into the cave and started to finish off the job with their guns.

About seven or eight corpses were piled up at the entrance of the cave, evidently gunned down by the Steel Sword Self-Controlled Turret while charging out.


Kerr Cowell calmly raised his rifle, aiming at the heads of the corpses one by one while counting softly.




Very quickly.

Kerr Cowell and Scar Dog had finished off the corpses all the way to the center of the cave.

Most had died during the charge, and a few men who didn't have the courage to charge were knocked out inside the cave. Now, they had all been individually dealt with by Kerr Cowell while unconscious.


Kerr Cowell furrowed his brow, his face slightly gloomy as he scanned the cave once more.

Indeed, it was a dead end with no other entrances.

However, he was sure that when he first counted the bodies, there were a total of seventeen.

Now there were only sixteen? One had escaped?

Just then—

He suddenly heard an extremely faint sound.

"Help...Save me!"

Kerr Cowell instantly turned around to look towards the source of the sound. He saw the woman who had initially approached them alone. Now, she was hiding in a crevice in the rock wall, her face pale as she poked her head out and looked at Kerr Cowell and Scar Dog.

With a pleading look, she begged, "Let...let me go. I can give you what you want."

Seeing a faint smile appearing on Kerr Cowell's lips, her heart gained some confidence, and she spoke again, "I'm very fulfilling my promises."

Kerr Cowell walked right up to the woman, stopping three steps away, raised his rifle, aimed at her head, and gently pulled the trigger.




Kerr Cowell finally let out a small relieved sigh.

Now he didn't have to worry about any troubles from the past resurfacing.

He could sleep soundly tonight.