Chapter 38: "The charm of firepower always leaves people intoxicated and infatuated."

Kerr Cowell and Scar Dog cautiously circled around the Ruins Site numerous times, their expressions alert.

Only after confirming that there were indeed no ambushes set up in the Ruins Site and no Law Enforcers had laid down fire lines did they breathe a sigh of relief and headed straight into the Ruins Site.

As soon as they got out of the car,

the two jumped towards the pile of Semi-Scrapped Items and began to enhance their equipment without further ado.

The ammo capacity needed further enhancement.

The increase in Barrel Length would relatively increase the firing range, but he couldn't continue to increase the Barrel Length.

Similarly, the caliber couldn't be increased any further.

The reason was simple: if the design keeps getting bigger, his Space Bracelet wouldn't be able to hold such a big device.

Without the Space Bracelet, their movements would be greatly restricted, and their flexibility would be greatly reduced.

Fortunately, the current firing range and caliber were sufficient: a caliber of 110cm and a firing range of 2,500 meters provided ample operational space.

The only thing left to do was to further enhance the ammo capacity.

Doing so would enable them to maintain continuous bombing for an extended period of time as much as possible.

Without any delay, the two quickly began to enhance their equipment like assembly line workers.


'Ding, eighty-two One-Star Items consumed.'

'Two-Star Item Steel Sword Self-control Rotating Turret's ammo capacity has been enhanced from +50 to +80.'

'Ammo capacity has been enhanced from the original 80,000 shots to 81,000 shots.'



Kerr Cowell looked satisfied with the final Enhancement Effect of the ammo capacity, having spent a total of 2,025 Semi-Scrapped Items to increase the ammo capacity to 81,000 shots.

With a full firing speed of 2,900, this capacity would allow continuous firing for 27 minutes.

That's equivalent to half an hour.

In fact, if City 18 doesn't resist and quietly allows them to bombard it for half an hour, it will essentially be erased from the history of the Mechanical Race.

Each cannon shell explosion will generate massive shock waves and firestorms, making them impossible to block.

Then, Kerr Cowell looked at his own turret's ammo capacity.


There were still 64,000 shots left, with more than 10,000 spent in City 18 and the wilderness.

Only after waiting for 24 hours, the Energy Box would automatically restore all bullets at once; it wouldn't be arranged to recover one by one according to consumption.


Nearly 5,000 Semi-Scrapped Items had been almost completely used up.

Only more than 200 Semi-Scrapped Items were left. They were stuffed into Scar Dog's space bracelet for later use in enhancing other options.

In reality, he wanted to enhance the Barrel Length, as the firing range was indeed too short.

But there was no way. Unless he got a larger volume Space Bracelet, otherwise, for the sake of convenience and maneuverability, he'll have to settle for the 2,500-meter firing range for now.

Lastly, Kerr Cowell glanced at the Sky Eye Extermination Order countdown.


There were still nearly four hours left.

More than enough time.

Enhancing the items took them nearly an hour, and it was hard to deny that enhancing items involved physical labor, as they had to manually press each Semi-Scrapped Item onto the turret.

"Four hours is enough." Kerr Cowell took a breath, gulped down the already warm spring water in the driver's seat, and couldn't help but shake his head and laugh, "Maybe it's a blessing that my gastroenteritis doesn't allow me to drink cold water, and the sun has warmed the water to the perfect temperature."

Scar Dog, on the other hand, took out a cold ice spray canister from his bosom and started spraying it around the cockpit. When the temperature drops a little, he finally sits down on the slightly cooler seat.

But it was still scorching hot.

Unable to bear it, Scar Dog couldn't help but let out a cold gasp, and sighed before saying, "I feel like we should at least have taken the air conditioner from the director's office."

"That would be too absurd."

"Or let's change the car to one with a built-in air conditioner in the next few days."


Soon enough,

Kerr Cowell and Scar Dog drove back towards City 18. After observing the city's outskirts for a while, they discovered that besides some Law Enforcers vehicles patrolling with sirens, there were no other arrangements.

The Energy Dome was also closed. Apparently, City 18 could not keep it open for a long time, as there was a cost involved in doing so, though they were unsure what the cost was.

And for the two of them, their first target for the artillery bombardment.

Was the military factory area to the west of City 18.

They didn't know what was inside the factory, but they knew that the security here was extremely strict. They had infiltrated City 18 several times, but they could not enter this area.

The security was tight on the surface, and it was even tighter in secret.

If there were missile silos, then this area would undoubtedly be the most suspicious one.

Kerr Cowell jumped off the vehicle, stood on a small mound a kilometer away, took out the turret from the Space Bracelet, placed it on the ground, stared at the heavily guarded factory, and calmly shook his head.


Between the alien races, there were no conversations, only killing as the sole language.

And Kerr Cowell did not intend to have any conversation with the Mechanical Race of City 18 either.

Missiles filling the sky, that would be what he wanted to say.

Very quickly—

One bundle after another of energy bullets, each trailing a red tail flame, densely covered the sky. Like frogspawn, they flew through the air and followed a beautiful parabolic trajectory, falling toward the factory without any signs!

"Boom boom boom!!!"

The violent explosion sound quickly followed the wind and reached them.

Waves of flame and smoke from the energy bullets rained down, making the factory resemble a minefield. It quickly became riddled with holes.

Scar Dog stood on the mound, watching the towering explosions, and muttered in a daze, "The charm of firepower is always intoxicating."


At this time.

In a low-rise building in the center of City 18.

An old man, whose body was covered with mechanical organs, frowned and leaned back in his chair, crossed his legs on the table, dropped his eyelids, interlaced his fingers on his chest, lost in thought.

Next to him, kneeling, was a woman wearing specially designed revealing clothes.

Bloodstains covered her body, and an insulting collar hung around her neck. She panted heavily, lying on the ground like a dog, barely alive.


The old man appeared irritated by his thoughts and let out a sigh. He then forcefully stomped on the head of the woman lying on the ground and spat a thick phlegm, full of disgust.

"Today, you human players have killed more than a thousand of my Mechanical Race."

"This has made me very unhappy."

The woman covered in blood and cigarette burns obediently crawled on the ground, not saying a word. The long-term whipping had taught her how to endure less.


Explosions suddenly erupted outside the window like thunder!

"Damn it!"

The old man, who immediately realized what was happening, leaped out of his chair and reached for the walkie-talkie on the table.

That human player is back!!!

Instead of fleeing obediently under Sky Eye Pursuit Order's direction, he had the audacity to return. Such boldness!

However, just at this moment—

The quiet woman, who had joined the Mechanical Race from the Human Race, suddenly jumped up agilely and grabbed the palm-sized walkie-talkie faster than the old man could.

She lifted the walkie-talkie forcefully and slammed it hard on the table.


This walkie-talkie, about the size of a mobile phone, was of good quality. It did not show any signs of damage.

In her haste.

The woman didn't care about anything else but to stuff the walkie-talkie into her mouth. However, she couldn't swallow it!

"How dare you!"

Seeing the walkie-talkie snatched away by a human slave, the old man's face instantly turned angry, and he shouted.

At the same time, the old man's right mechanical finger's nail cover rotated ninety degrees, revealing five dark gun barrels pointing at the human slave. He had to issue response orders via phone as soon as possible!

Seeing that there was not enough time.

The human woman, desperately panicked eyes filled with craziness and fearlessness of life and death, slammed her head against the table with all her strength, smashing the walkie-talkie in her mouth down her throat.


Under the intense pain, the woman looked at the old man with thick hatred, her face showing a satisfying expression as if a great hatred had been avenged. Her body fell heavily to the ground, blood foaming uncontrollably from the corners of her mouth, while her hands firmly covered her mouth.

She looked at the anxious old man with eyes full of disdain and hatred.

She knew that she wouldn't be able to delay for long. But even if it was just a few seconds, it would be enough.

So that... the human player could kill even more people from the Mechanical Race!

"Tut tut tut!!"

The harsh and short-lived gunshot rang out.

The woman's pupils gradually dilated, but her hands remained firmly over her mouth, not showing any signs of loosening.