Chapter 153: "If you've got the skills, why don't you compete with the Human Race in soccer?"_2

"Of course."

Having received Kerr Cowell's approval, Suveil Shaw became more confident. He patted his chest and looked at Kerr with eyes full of fighting spirit, "You've already won the Ranking One in several events."

"I wonder if you can get the Ranking One from me this time!"

"This time, I'll give you a chance at a fair competition!"

"I hope you can put some pressure on me!"

As the words fell.

Kerr Cowell didn't react, but the human players watching the Battle of All Races were already exploding!!!

Inside Fire Seed City.

Lance Lee looked at Suveil in the screen with an angry expression, "What the hell is this? Is this what you call fair?!?"

"Everyone knows that the Ape Clan is good at climbing vines, right?"

"Competing with Kerr Cowell in climbing vines, is this really fair?"


A brother standing next to him was also indignant, "If you've got the balls, why don't you compete with humans in soccer?"
