Chapter 178: "Nothing else, just making friends."_2

If there is no problem with their orientation and they are normal people, there's no way they would give away nearly one million one-star items to a stranger.

But Mr. Jacob's image is really good...

So it doesn't seem strange that there might be such a possibility.

"I think..."

Howard Lee nodded seriously on the side, "Maybe they saw Mr. Jacob's potential and wanted to invest in him?"

"How likely do you think that possibility is?"

Then, the group stopped talking.

Obviously, this matter had exceeded their comprehension.


After a long time, Kerr Cowell slowly stood up, regained his composure, and his mouth could not help but reveal a hint of excitement as he looked at the mountain-like pile of items in front of him: "Anyway, one million one-star items should be enough for us to use!"

Although he still couldn't figure out what was going on with the father and sons, it didn't matter, the important thing was that the result was good.