Chapter 200: "Kerr Cowell, come back once, Fire Seed City... is gone."

And Scar Dog, obviously thought of this as well.

His face looked somewhat troubled as he spoke: "Mr. Jacob... could there have been some accident in Fire Seed City?"

Just at this moment —

A voice suddenly rang in their ears.

'Human Horn!'

'Player Caleb Lewis: "Kerr Cowell, come back. Fire Seed City... is gone."'


Kerr Cowell took a deep breath, his eyes flickered with complex emotions, and he didn't know what to say for a moment. Was Fire Seed City just... gone?

When the specific location of Fire Seed City was revealed in the world announcement, he had a faint feeling.

But since the Mechanical Race didn't take it seriously, he didn't say much more.

Unexpectedly... as soon as the event started, the Mechanical Race showed its fangs as a second-time participant in the war.

Almost 5 million Human Players were killed instantly.

What kind of firepower was used?

After a moment of silence, he finally responded.

'Human Horn!'

'Player Kerr Cowell: "Okay."'