Chapter 221: "Stacking Building Blocks, Stacking Building Blocks."

As soon as the words fell.

Kerr Cowell, who was in the white space with the other human players, didn't waste any more time. They all went forward, each picked a vine with no one on it, and prepared to climb as soon as the preparation time was over.

Even if this activity was somewhat unfavorable for humans.

They still had to give it their all.

It wasn't their style to just sit and wait for death. Besides, it was just a 100-meter rock climb. It wasn't that difficult.

In fact.

A cruel reality was that, of all the human players who had survived in the wilderness for more than three months, there were virtually no weaklings or disabled people.

Everyone had physical strength comparable to a Titan, if not greater. At least much stronger than on Blue Star.

Humans were highly adaptable.

No one wanted to die, and if they didn't want to die and wanted to live, they had to pay a corresponding price.