Chapter 236: "The ownerless house belongs to the first person who sees it."_2

This man, no wonder Irving Grey has so much confidence, turns out he got help from this man.

If he can also get help from this man, then he...


He let out a breath, threw the empty wine glass on the sofa, picked up the overcoat behind him, and strode towards the exit of the venue.

It's just a large number of defective One-Star Items.

As long as he can get them, he can also become friends with Carl Jacob.

"Are you finally leaving...?"

At this time, the voice of the badge on Jimmy Ward's chest, with a slight tremble, said: "Damn, I just got scared to death, you don't know, there are a bunch of Three-Star Items on those two people!"

"I kind of regret letting you come to this Rose Club."

"It's better to leave as soon as possible, don't play with these guys, you're not in the same league. If you play with them, you'll be played to death. I was scared that they would take action against you just now."