Chapter 313: "Ding, congratulations on successfully collecting all seven components of the Gentleman Suit." (10,000-word chapter!)

There is indeed no problem with that.

The second issue is, being chased by the law enforcement bureau in this city for an hour without being caught midway and not losing them. That's a pretty demanding requirement.

It's like having to tease but not go all the way, for an hour.

It's already a difficult task to begin with.

The difficulty of these three tasks increases with each one.

But if Kerr Cowell continues this way, he will never have a chance to complete the second task.

Not because the nearby law enforcement bureau has been completely wiped out.

But because there are hardly any law enforcement bureaus that dare to chase Mr. Jacob now.


At this moment, outside the Battle of All Races arena, on Good Cat Star.

The Rose Club is once again open under the night color.

Seeming to know the difficulty and high risk of death in his task, x appears to be in full party mode.

In a large hall.