Chapter 342: "Can Continuous Skin Replacement Achieve Immortality?"

These people are simply lawless terrorists, who still roam free instead of being thrown into death row, and the Federal Government on Orange Star is primarily responsible!

"Are these people... definitely from Carl Jacob Company?"

A look of horror flashed in Elmore Ward's wife's eyes, and she asked incredulously, "But the way those people just spoke seems to lack malice, acting quite harmonious, which is completely different from the Carl Jacob Company mentioned in the news that massacres stars."

"Moreover, there are more than 7,000 light-years between here and the Orange Star. How did they get here?!"

"Very normal."

Elmore Ward's face changed unpredictably as he spoke after a moment's silence: "When you have enough confidence, it's hard to have malice because you know you can easily crush anyone who displeases you."