Chapter 377: And this plan, they named it - Deceive the Sky and Cross the Ocean!_2

"There's no impact, let them know if they find out."

This chubby man spoke disdainfully: "Didn't you hear what the man under Mr. Jacob said? If it weren't for the fear of prematurely ending the Battle of All Races and exposing themselves to the federation too early, with Mr. Jacob's strength, these alien races would have been dealt with a long time ago."

"According to them, they have destroyed countless planets in the Nicolas Star System Federation."

"It's just a small Battle of All Races, as long as they're willing, they can destroy it at any time."

"Our enemy now is not these Alien Race gamers, but the Nicolas Star System Federation. I don't think we need to waste too much energy on these Alien Race gamers; we don't need to care about them at all."

"You have a point."

After pondering for a while, the Second Generation Human Guardian nodded seriously and said, "Then let's settle this matter; there's no need to hide anything, just tell the truth, everything is as it is."