Chapter 378: "What we have to do is obey the orders."_2


Eddison Ward hesitated for a moment before saying tentatively, "This sounds a bit like a toy I had when I was little. I had a whiteboard with some iron filings in it, and when I used a magnet pen to write on it, the same lettering would appear on the other side."

"That's right."

Howard Lee nodded seriously and said, "For quantum, this universe might be just like the toy we played with when we were children, but that's not important. The point is to understand that according to our staff, the quantum inside the Starship space tend to be in a very stable state."

"At first, the staff used Camilla Lewis as an intermediary, but as the number of players increased, Camilla couldn't handle it all, so they transferred the players' consciousness into this Starship space, where there is almost infinite space, so there is enough room for many players' consciousness."