Red Dance Shoes (2)

His shoulder relaxed, and all the negative effects dissipated.


"Huff huff huff…"

In the main hall, Zhang Yuanqing leaned against the lattice door and panted. His legs were spasming uncontrollably.

It was half fear, half a physical reaction to the receding adrenaline.

After he had rested for a few minutes, the adrenaline subsided and the wound in his arm began to ache. He grimaced as he took off his jacket and T-shirt. He saw that both of his arms were badly mutilated from the scratches. The blood flowing from them was red and black.

Clearly, the zombie had poison under its fingernails.

The situation suddenly got worse.

"There's no disinfectant or tetanus shot here. Is the corpse poisoning quick to spread? I'm not going to die of poisoning, am I?"

A series of thoughts flashed through Zhang Yuanqing's mind. He was surprised to find that he was not very afraid. Then he realized… that this had nothing to do with him. It was the courage given by the candles.

He basked in candlelight as his emotions settled.

"Now that I'm poisoned by the zombie, I can't delay any longer. Let's just take the second plan."

Before entering the Spirit Realm, Zhang Yuanqing had formulated two plans for himself. The first plan was to carefully explore the Mountain Temple, gain control of the information, and then seek a way to crack it.

It was a steady way.

Then, inspired by playing games with his aunt, he formulated a second, relatively risky plan.

He could try to subdue the red dancing shoes.

Since they were all tools and he could use the yellow paper talisman, who said the red dancing shoes couldn't?

Guan Ya had said that there was a certain chance of subduing rules-type tools by overcoming their rules.

"I'm not likely to be able to stick a yellow paper talisman to a zombie's forehead on my own."

Putting a talisman on the forehead of a ferocious and intelligent Yin creature was like a child fighting an adult with a knife. Although adults were afraid of blades, it did not mean that children could really hurt adults.

Zhang Yuanqing did not delay any longer. Holding the lattice door, he got up and crossed the threshold to the courtyard in front of the main hall.

This was where he had first encountered the red dancing shoes.

The full moon was round like a plate, shining on the old house, the weeds, the shadows of the trees.

He waited and waited… He stood in the grass for a long time, vigilant of the changes in his surroundings, but the red dancing shoes did not appear.

The shoes seemed to have no fixed territory. It had first followed him when he entered the temple, then appeared in the quadrangle. Now it had gone somewhere.

The longer he delayed, the worse his physical condition became. Zhang Yuanqing sighed and turned around helplessly, returning to the main hall.

He had just finished turning around when his body froze.

Tap! Tap!

Between him and the main hall, a pair of red dancing shoes that glowed with a dark red light were falling together, as if someone invisible was walking in them.

Footsteps echoed eerily in the empty, silent night.

Could it change the way it appeared? It was so terrifying every time… Zhang Yuanqing's soul, which had almost been frightened out of his body, slowly returned to its original position. He quietly swallowed his saliva.

Although he was looking forward to its appearance, Zhang Yuanqing still felt that his sanity value was decreasing uncontrollably when he faced this strange dancing shoe…

The red dancing shoes continued to step in place. The heels of the shoes made a crisp sound as they hit the ground. The clacking echoes overlapped, making it seem more lonely and terrifying.

A bright blue message suddenly popped up in Zhang Yuanqing's vision:

[Will you dance with me? If so, please stay put.]

The message appeared on the side of the red dancing shoes as if it were conversing with itself.

As expected, it requested to dance. If he didn't dance with it, it would kill him. Such vile shoes… Zhang Yuanqing could only risk it all because he realized that the red dancing shoes had cut off his escape route.

It appeared between Zhang Yuanqing and the main hall.

If the dance failed, he would die.

Was it a coincidence? Or was this shoe intentionally doing this? Did it also have intelligence… Zhang Yuanqing collected his thoughts, calmed his emotions, and visualized his father's appearance in his mind.

At the same time, he raised his foot and took a step.

Tap tap…

As if it was a switch that turned on this tool, the rhythm of the red dancing shoes rising and falling changed as he stepped forward. It was an extremely fast tapping sequence.

It was tap-dancing. It was rhythmic and fast. The loud "tap-tap" echoed in the still night air, in the deserted old temple.

A pair of red dancing shoes danced alone on the path made of goose-soft stone amid the wild grass of the moonlit night. There was an indescribable flirtatious beauty to them.

Zhang Yuanqing widened his eyes and let his pupils absorb the moonlight. He stared fixedly at the red dancing shoes and did not need to deliberately remember. He only needed to see the footsteps.

At the same time, his heart was racing like an overloaded engine. His ears were filled with noise, and countless broken images flashed through his mind.

His brain began to automatically receive information from the outside world. The sound of the wind blowing, the slightly bent posture of the weeds, the frequency of the swaying leaves of the big locust tree in the distance, the posture, and the frequency of the red dancing shoes…

The brain that received the information quickly analyzed and memorized.

After a few minutes, the red dancing shoes stopped contentedly. She stepped back on her left foot and stood on tiptoe.

The pose looked odd, but if anyone had been wearing it, it would have been a standard curtsy.

Zhang Yuanqing, who was bleeding from his nose, muttered in his mind. Then, he saw a sentence appear above the red dancing shoes:

[Your turn!]

In a few minutes, it danced hundreds of steps, and they were all different. This had already exceeded the memorization ability of ordinary people.

Zhang Yuanqing composed himself, took the small pill from his pocket, and put it in his mouth.