First Battle (1)

Why was Ou Xiangrong at Songhai University? He was with Xu Yingying?

How dare he show up at Songhai University? He was wanted by the official organization. Was he bold, or was there something wrong with his head?

Zhang Yuanqing tensed up and stopped in his tracks. He said to the student beside him,

"You guys go on up. I need to make a call."

He had to call the rest first… He walked to the side of the road, took out his phone, and dialed Li Dongze's number.

"I'm sorry, but the number you have dialed is unavailable."

The voice prompt turned off.

He tried Guan Ya's cell phone again. It was still off.

"A meeting? In the middle of a deployment operation? Or, lurking near Songhai University?" All kinds of guesses flashed through Zhang Yuanqing's mind.

If it was the latter, then it had nothing to do with him. But if it was because he couldn't get in touch with the meeting, Ou Xiangrong, as a wanted criminal, couldn't stay long at Songhai University. It would be a shame to miss this opportunity.

Thinking of this, Zhang Yuanqing opened his contact list and dialed Wang Tai's cell phone number.

Thanks to his social habits, he had also saved Wang Tai's cell phone number in his contact list. Although this man did not like to talk or communicate, every time he tried to strike up a conversation with him, he always had a mild expression that said, "Get lost and ignore me."

"Yes?" Wang Tai's spiritless voice came through the speaker.

"I saw Ou Xiangrong. He's the one who killed Zhao Yingjun. You know about this case, right?"

"I do, but why did you contact me? You should have contacted the chief." Wang Tai's tone was as calm as ever.

Shouldn't you say something like "Damn, that's awesome?" You're too calm… Zhang Yuanqing complained as he said, "I can't get in touch with Chief and the old pervert."

"Who's the old pervert?"

"That's not the point." Zhang Yuanqing briefed him on the situation. "Can you contact any of the other team's Spirit Realm Walkers?"

"Sure…" Wang Tai typed on the keyboard and said.

"I've retrieved Zhao Yingjun's case information. Zhao Yingjun has a lot of female university students as mistresses. One of them is from your school. Her name is Xu Yingying. According to your feedback, I guess he wants to find an answer from the women around Zhao Yingjun."

So Xu Yingying's sugar daddy was Zhao Yingjun. No wonder a security officer came looking for her yesterday… Zhang Yuanqing suddenly understood.

Wang Tai went on:

"Ou Xiangrong, a Level 3 Bewitching Demon. He has an evil power and was severely injured in the siege yesterday. The danger level is greatly reduced, but he is still not someone you can resist."

"I've analyzed it for you. The right thing to do is to keep an eye on him and wait for the official backup. You can use your Night Wanderer skills to harass him appropriately, but don't engage him or you'll die a horrible death."

Although he was not good at socializing, he was still quite reliable. Zhang Yuanqing pretended to look at the scenery and followed Ou Xiangrong and Xu Yingying from afar with the help of the crowd.

"Chief and Sister Guan Ya can't be contacted. Are they deployed near Songhai?" Zhang Yuanqing asked expectantly.

"No, Xu Yingying is just an ordinary female university student. She has no value. This Ou Xiangrong… is already a little mentally unstable." Wang Tai said, "Your female classmate is going to die."

Given Ou Xiangrong's cruelty, he would definitely not leave anyone alive.

At this moment, Zhang Yuanqing saw Ou Xiangrong "hugging" Xu Yingying as they entered the underground parking garage of the complex.

They walked down the steep downward slope and disappeared from sight.

"They went into the garage. We'll talk later. Let the rest of the team know as soon as you can."

Without waiting for a response, Zhang Yuanqing hung up.

This place was secluded. He could not use passersby as a shield like before. If he followed them into the underground parking garage, he would definitely be noticed.

Zhang Yuanqing pondered for a few seconds before taking off his backpack and throwing it into the greenery by the roadside. Then, he activated the power of Great Yin in his body, and the illusory black fog exploded with a bang. His figure was forcefully erased.

After casting Night Travel, he sprinted into the underground parking garage.

With the red dancing shoes and the Night Travel skill, even if he couldn't defeat Ou Xiangrong, he could escape.

It was worth the risk.

Although Xu Yingying was a snobbish woman, she was still alive now.

If he could, Zhang Yuanqing would not leave her to die. Besides, Ou Xiangrong was a mentally ill fellow. The sooner he was dealt with, the sooner there would be peace.

He did not need to deliberately hide his footsteps, because the state of Night Travel could cover the sounds he made and even the heat of his body.

As soon as he rushed into the underground parking garage, he heard Xu Yingying's trembling voice.

"I-I don't know where the thing you're looking for is. I'm only with Zhao Yingjun for his money. If he gives me $4,000 every month, I'll be his girlfriend…"

$4,000? That's the amount I got before I became an official employee. This money is too easy to earn…

Zhang Yuanqing looked in the direction of the voice.

The back of a black sedan was against the wall. Xu Yingying was standing against the wall in shock. Ou Xiangrong was standing to one side with a blade in his hand.

"Don't tell me you don't know, don't tell me you don't know…" Ou Xiangrong's eyes were fierce as he shouted crazily.

"I'll give you one last chance. Did Zhao Yingjun give you any information about the Holy Grail or the register?"

"I, I really don't know what you're talking about…" Xu Yingying's eyes were red and tears rolled down her cheeks.

Ou Xiangrong was silent for a few seconds, his tired sigh echoing through the underground parking garage.

His pupils lit up with scarlet light, and his expression under the mask became ferocious and crazy.