Kill (2)

However, just before the blade cut across the young Night Wanderer's neck, Ou Xiangrong saw the other party's body suddenly lowering. The willow blade brushed past his scalp and cut off a few strands of hair.

The pair of red dancing shoes that had been chasing him had somehow found their way onto Night Wanderer's feet and forced him into a horse stance, avoiding a slit throat.

At the same time, the eyes of the Night Wanderer, who should have been bewitched, lit up with golden light. He instantly escaped from his dazed state and bounced his legs, knocking himself hard against Ou Xiangrong.

Ou Xiangrong did not expect this at all. A mere Level 1 Night Wanderer was able to escape his bewitchment.

At this moment, he was still in the posture of brandishing his blade, unable to restrain his strength. He could only watch helplessly as the bronze staff stabbed towards his chest.


Flesh tore, and the Demon Subduing Staff's tip erupted with a brilliant golden light that burned away the life in his chest.

Ou Xiangrong's vision went dark, and he almost fainted from the pain. However, he was still a battle-hardened Bewitching Demon. In the midst of his death, he unleashed his potential. His right arm pulled back, dragging the willow blade towards the Night Wanderer's throat.

At the same time, he tensed the muscles of his left arm and flicked his elbow joint, allowing his left fist to transform into a large spear filled with power. He stabbed at his enemy's shoulder.

Zhang Yuanqing suddenly raised his head and dodged the sharp blade that cut his throat. Immediately, Ou Xiangrong's punch hit his shoulder and sent him flying like a sandbag.


Zhang Yuanqing slammed into a commercial vehicle, causing the windows to crack. Before he could land, he was erased inch by inch and disappeared from Ou Xiangrong's vision.

He slipped back into his Night Travel mode.

Ou Xiangrong didn't look at him. He staggered toward Xu Yingying.

His heart had been destroyed. The only thing that could save him now was the blood essence of the living. He needed to kill to enter the berserk state.

Then, he would rush out of the underground garage and bathe the campus in blood. With the bloodthirsty characteristics of a Bewitching Demon, he would repair his injuries and reverse life and death.

However, this way, his moral value would definitely drop below 60. He would be wanted by the Spirit Realm and surrounded by all the Spirit Realm Walkers in the city. However, he could not care less now.

Tap… Tap… Tap…

Two dark red lights appeared out of thin air and transformed into a new pair of red dancing shoes to kill Ou Xiangrong.

To Ou Xiangrong, the footsteps sounded like a death knell. It was the sigh of the reaper and the judgment of Hades.

Bang! Bang!

Ou Xiangrong was trampled in the face. His face was a bloody mess and he fell backward uncontrollably, but at the last moment, Ou Xiangrong threw out the willow blade.

The sharp weapon, which was forty centimeters long, turned into a silver light and shot towards Xu Yingying in the distance.

He stared hard at the blade.


Suddenly, sparks flew. The willow blade was knocked away by a bronze staff that extended out of the void. A figure appeared beside Xu Yingying.

It was Zhang Yuanqing.

Seeing this, the hope in Ou Xiangrong's eyes turned to despair and indignation.

At this moment, the red dancing shoes descended from the sky and trampled his face. They crushed the bridge of his nose and cracked his lips. Two eyeballs shot out.

Ou Xiangrong's limbs spasmed a few times before his life force was completely extinguished.

Zhang Yuanqing sat down beside Xu Yingying and let out a long breath as if he was exhausted.

At this moment, his chest was churning with anger, and his limbs were trembling.

It wasn't fear. It was the euphoria that came with a surge of adrenaline. When people were in danger and in desperate need of self-preservation, adrenaline pumped through them like crazy. In this state, people could kill without blinking an eye.

The battle plan was a success.

Before fighting this battle, he had already thought it through very clearly. The only thing he needed to avoid was the other party's Bewitchment skill. Therefore, before he decided to launch a sneak attack, he had already made a sacrifice to the Demon Subduing Staff.

One of the functions of the Demon Subduing Staff was purification.

The second form of the red dancing shoe was what he relied on to fight in close quarters. It did help him avoid the fatal throat-cutting attack.

Mark, Bewitchment, Berserk, close combat… He had calculated all of Ou Xiangrong's abilities and targeted him. If he still couldn't win, Zhang Yuanqing felt that there was no point in living.

After panting for a few minutes, Zhang Yuanqing calmed down and heard a Spirit Realm notification.

[Ding! You have killed a Level 3 Bewitching Demon. You have received 30 moral value points and 15 reputation points. Reputation unlocked.]

Zhang Yuanqing was stunned. He quickly opened the character attributes panel and found that there was an additional Reputation column.

Reputation? Killing Spirit Realm Walkers from the opposing faction would reward Reputation? As an old gamer, he was no stranger to Reputation, but he did not know what it was for in the Spirit Realm.

Zhang Yuanqing thought about it and decided to ignore it for now. He would log into the official forum to check.

Compared to the Reputation reward of the Spirit Realm, the spoils of war in reality were more important to him.

He got up and walked over to Ou Xiangrong's body. He kicked his eyeballs under the car and dragged the body into the shadows in the corner.

A careful search of the body revealed a phone and a wallet.

The phone was one of those old-fashioned phones that could only make calls. The wallet, on the other hand, was bulging. He opened it and saw a wad of hundred-dollar bills and a fake ID.

Zhang Yuanqing counted carefully. "As a wanted criminal, you only have hundreds of dollars on you. Are you serious…"

Confiscated! He pulled the money out and raced it into his pocket.

Then he stepped to the far side and picked up the sharp willow blade.

The moment he touched the weapon, a message came into view:

[Name: Bloodthirsty Blade]

[Type: Weapon]

[Function: Bleeding, Bloodlust, Armor Break]

[Introduction: A powerful Bewitching Demon fed this saber with his blood essence. As time passed, it became extremely bloodthirsty. Its blade can cut through hardened steel, and the wounds it cuts are very difficult to heal. It will absorb the blood essence of its prey and feedback it to its master, making him even stronger.]

[Remarks: A blade that doesn't want to cut its master is not a good blade.]

"This blade looks very impressive. If I had let it kill Xu Yingying just now, Ou Xiangrong would have been able to obtain the weapon's nourishment… Fortunately, I was careful and guarded Xu Yingying."

Zhang Yuanqing ran back to Ou Xiangrong's body and removed the scabbard from his lower back. He equipped himself, then sheathed the Bloodthirsty Blade.

This blade was currently still ownerless so it was very easy to make it recognize him as its master. He just had to put it in his inventory.

However, Zhang Yuanqing did not want to accept it yet because the [Remarks] in the item information made him a little flustered.

The Bloodthirsty Blade should belong to the price-type category. That line of remarks was the price to use it.

Combined with the introduction of the blade, Zhang Yuanqing could roughly guess what the price of the blade was. There were only two possibilities.

One, whoever obtained the blade would be cursed and eventually die tragically.

Two, this blade required the owner to feed it with blood essence regularly. This was the most likely possibility.

Feed it blood essence? A Demon Subduing Staff has already made me anemic. If I add this Bloodthirsty Blade, how can I live?

At this moment, Zhang Yuanqing saw the red dancing shoes click over to him. They landed together and a message appeared:

[Will you dance with me? If so, please stay put.]

Only then did he remember that he had not put this tool back into his inventory. He was about to refuse and take back the tool when he suddenly received a Spirit Realm notification in his mind.

[Note that the tool requires a dance every time it is used. If you refuse, the red dancing shoes will no longer acknowledge you and will hunt you down.]

Zhang Yuanqing opened his mouth in surprise. This was the first time he had used the red dancing shoes in reality after subduing them. He did not expect that he would have to pay such a price to use this rule-type tool.

Kill me if I don't dance? That's too much… Zhang Yuanqing stood up with a smile. "My pleasure."

Soon there was a sharp tap-tap sound in the empty, quiet parking garage.

This time, Zhang Yuanqing did not trigger his old illness. Instead, he completed a dance with his superhuman physique, but the dance steps were constantly wrong.

Fortunately, as the master, he was not attacked by red dancing shoes.

After the dance, the red dancing shoes stepped back on her right foot, stood on tiptoe, and curtsied.

As soon as he put the red dancing shoes back into his inventory, he heard hurried footsteps coming down the steep slope.

Turning toward the sound, he saw Li Dongze leading Guan Ya and seven or eight unfamiliar Spirit Realm Walkers into the underground garage.

Some of them were armed with guns, some with knives, some with cats… they were fully armed.

Fortunately, he had already finished dancing… Zhang Yuanqing was extremely glad.
