Chapter 75: Three Updates Explode (7000 Words Mega Chapter)_3

Cai Xiangxiang felt grateful towards Yan Weiwei, of course, as this senior sister loved and cared for her like an elder sister.

Besides her parents, at this moment, the only one she could rely on was Yan Weiwei, who became the umbrella protecting her.

Yan Weiwei went to find that Artifact Refining senior brother and arrived at Refining Artifacts Peak.

Refining Artifacts Peak had an abundance of burly men, who shyly looked on when they saw the beautiful sister arriving.

The men of Refining Artifacts Peak, many of whom practiced body cultivation, had robust physiques and appeared a bit rough around the edges.

Moreover, most of them did not have a Dao companion, and it was already well known within the sect that there was such a beautiful sister, Yan Weiwei.

Aside from cultivating, these men also had a desire for beauty, after all, they still had to consume the five grains and had physical needs.