CH 1: Death And meeting ROB

In the depths of the spiritual cosmos, the small purple orb, known as Noel, drifted aimlessly, shrouded in the enigmatic darkness. Time seemed to have lost its meaning, and Noel's thoughts meandered through the void. He found solace in the serene, endless expanse, embracing a tranquility he never expected.

With no knowledge of how long he had spent in this ethereal realm, he contemplated his existence. "Well isn't this nice?" Noel mused to himself. "I always thought I would end up in hell. But just floating in this vast darkness, not feeling the passage of time, thinking about everything and nothing at the same time has some sort of charm to it."

His perception of time had become blurred, as he acknowledged, "Again, I don't know how long it has been. It feels like I have been here for an instant or a full millennia, I don't know. And I don't care."

As his thoughts meandered, he lamented the things he missed from the world he left behind. "But I do feel bad that I wasn't able to watch some of the anime and other series completely. Demon Slayer, God, I loved that anime! Either visuals, emotions, characters, or storyline, they were just all so beautiful. And I was waiting for Solo Leveling to come out, but then again, it would have been sad to watch that crappy ending."

Reflecting on the stories he cherished, Noel contemplated the idea of a bittersweet ending, "Now that I think about it, to end the suffering of everyone, that might have been the perfect ending, even if it was a major letdown."

But ultimately, the futility of such thoughts weighed on him. "Well, no use thinking about it now. Can't do anything about it, can I? Well, might as well sleep for some time. I wish I was brain dead."

After an unknown period of drifting, the purple orb continued its journey. Noel's consciousness stirred once more, and the orb's glow intensified as if trying to illuminate its surroundings in the vast emptiness of the spiritual cosmos. However, the attempt was futile, for it was akin to trying to light the void itself.

Unbeknownst to Noel, an entity observed his meager efforts, patiently watching the small orb's struggles in the cosmic abyss.

Noel couldn't help but feel a sense of exhaustion as he attempted to harness the mysterious power within him. "Well, that was tiring, phew!" He was excited about the newfound power he had discovered, but it remained an enigma. "I have found that I have some kind of power in me. And yes, I was very excited about it. But I have no idea what it is or what it does. Is it chakra? Qi? chi? I can't figure it out."

Though Noel was uncertain about the nature of this power, he remained determined. "But I do know that the only thing I can do with it is to light my surroundings, but that hasn't been going well for me at all. I have been trying to do that for God knows how long, and it's not working at all."

The monotony of Noel's existence began to wear on him. "But I'm gonna still try it. It was peaceful at first, escaping from that horrible life was the decision I made myself, and I stand by it. I don't regret it at all. But it's been boring. Hella boring!"

With a sense of resignation, Noel decided to retreat into slumber once more, grateful for the ability to instantly switch into a sleep-like state.

As Noel drifted off to sleep, unaware of what awaited him, an unseen portal opened and swiftly drew him inside, commencing the next chapter of his cosmic journey.

In a stark contrast to the endless darkness, Noel awoke in a luminous white space. The abrupt transition left him bewildered as he tried to comprehend the transformation.

"Hello Noel, how has the void been treating you?" a voice resonated in his mind, startling him. It was as if the voice spoke directly into his thoughts.

Noel pondered the unusual communication. "True. I am speaking telepathically as you do not have a body as of now."

Resigned to the mysteries of his new reality, Noel responded, "Figured so. But I do not know how to reply as I don't have a mouth. He did read my thoughts, so we could do that?... Hello? And to answer your question, the void was comfortable and uncomfortable at the same time."

The voice in Noel's mind provided some clarity, "Yes, Void is both. Void is everything and nothing at the same time."

Intrigued, Noel couldn't help but be curious about his newfound surroundings and the entity communicating with him. "How have you been? But first, I would like to know where I am and who you are."

The entity, referring to itself as something like ROB, sheds some light on Noel's current location. "Well, you are in my domain. And I am something like ROB, and you know what that means. To answer your first question, same as ever."

Noel's inquisitiveness led him to inquire further about the entity. "Your domain, huh? And ROB? As in those novels?"

The entity confirmed Noel's suspicions with a simple "Yes."

However, Noel's intrigue deepened when he learned that he would be reincarnated. "And does that mean you will be reincarnating me or something?"

The entity revealed its intention, "True."

Perplexed but intrigued, Noel questioned the purpose of this reincarnation. "Why?"

The entity explained, "Well, I'm not gonna say entertainment. I'm not that bored. You will be employed by me to go to various worlds or universes where you have to stop them from destruction. And by those worlds, I mean those of which you've seen in anime or manga."

Noel was taken aback by the revelation that the worlds he once considered fantasies were indeed real. "Aren't they just fantasies? But then again, I thought you were a fantasy, so I guess they are real."

The entity confirmed the existence of these worlds, shedding light on their origin. "Yes, they are pretty real. Your world was created to employ its inhabitants, not all of them, but just some whom I deem worthy and pass some tests."

Excited by the prospect of embarking on extraordinary adventures, Noel eagerly inquired, "That's cool! So they are real, huh? Who knew? Was the void some kind of test?"

The entity clarified the purpose of Noel's journey through the void. "Yes, it was, if your soul was devoured by the void, then you would have failed it."

Noel absorbed this information, understanding the gravity of his situation. "That's rough. So, what kind of job would I get?"

The entity elucidated Noel's mission, "Well, you will be reincarnated in a world we choose with some perks, and you have to save it from destruction."

Noel couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement at the prospect of having powers and making a difference. "That would be pretty awesome, I guess. I have always wanted powers, and now that dream is coming true...right?"

The entity confirmed Noel's anticipation, "Yes. So, do you want to start?"

" Do I get to choose the perks?" Noel contemplated the possibilities and inquired, "Do I get to choose the perks?"