After the supreme being had finished creating the world he looked upon it and dispaired, you see when he created all the living things what he sought drom them was comradery but he couldnt feel that from them as for one to feel friendship with those around him he had to consider them as equals but as the greatest being in the existence he couldnt so he decided to do something drastic, he tried to separate himself into two effectively creating an equal to himself but failed,

rather than creating an equal he birthed two new beings into the world at the cost of his own existence and thus two gods were created at the cost of one, the two new gods looked upon the world their predecessor had created and decided that even tho his last decision was foolish what he created was indeed good and decided to rule it in his place, these beings sought a way to distinguish each other and mold their forms as such so the first one looked upon the sun and the stars and felt the light they brought forth and declared it was good due to how it brightened the world and chose to represent it, the second on the otherhand couldn't find anything to represent no matter how hard he searched for be wanted something that would be equal to his other but different still, it was then at the end of the day that night came to the his brother it just meant the world had dimmed but to him a whole new world had been discovered everything from the gently snores of wild beasts to the moonlight dances of the elves to the howling of wolves represented tranquility and peace and when day came again he saw a cycle what came was not a simple dimming of the world but a promise of it finding peace after its toiling in the light and so he chose it, darkness its inky black luster adorned adorned him and his shadow ensured the world would forever spin.

The two beings never saw each other as brother's , they never saw each other as family they saw each other as one so much so that they shared everything together, including their emotions so one day when the being of light in full thought of what's yours is mine ripped out and emotion from his brother he did not find it wrong, the problem was the emotion he took was greed,

the being of darkness did not find his brothers action wrong as he truly believed in their philosophy and so he did not complain, if only it stopped there anger,sloth,pride one by one his darkest emotions were ripped from him leaving him with in immense pain, his existence constantly suffering from pain of being incomplete while his other grew darker in heart and mind despite the form of creation he has chosen to represent, even with his agony increasing day by day the being of darkness did not word a complaint while the being of light did not relent until it came upon a conundrum, and emotion as delectable as it was it was disgusting, attractive as it was repulsive and powerful as it was weak, his greed was inflamed but he feared to touch in because be senses something, not necessarily bad but contradictory to all he had become so he did as his predecessor and ripped the emotion into two taking what he could stomach and leaving the rest, what he took was love for oneself and what he left was love for others thus transforming him into something that could only love itself but would never feel for others while his other was turned to something that could never acknowledge its own existence whillist showing compassion for others,

With that the being of darkness pain reached a new height but still he did not complain and still the being of light was not sated until he saw it, the final thing keeping his other together content, you see when ever the being of darkness lost a piece of itself its contntment would grow stronger as greed was no longer there to battle with it on who to rule this creature but its battle came to an end when the being of light saw it, quickly realizing that this was all he needed he grabbed it as well and that was when his other broke

He screamed, a scream so heart wrenching and pain filled the earth itself harnessed it and birthed a creatures to spread the feeling of pain this titanic being felt, they were monsters some big some small some smart some not so much but all shared a common feauture despite how unreasonable their biology was they were adept at killing and set forth like that was the only task they were capable of just to emphasise the pain of one lone being,

For the first time since his birth the being of darkness fled from the mountain he resided and scoured the world for a means of filling the void he had been left with, aid the pain that was now twisting inside him, death could not save him he was ever living even though he found no joy in life and eventually he discovered them,

Humans a race like all the others only due to them being the bridge between the previous races did not have enough of an advantage in their battle with the monsters so they were on the edge of destruction so out of guilt one of the few remaining emotions left to him he charged in and saved them from ruin, of the humans he saved he discovered two groups one willing to worship and serve him to the end of their days and the other who wanted to acquire power to defend themselves but among said humans he discovered one, a woman who belonged to neither side she on the other hand noticed the pain this being was in and sought to help him and through her he began to love the world and in a surprising twist himself just for having the opportunity to exist in said world, it was unheard of a mortal was capable of dulling the pain of an immortal he had told himself this for years until finally he realized it he loved her and she loved him even with how broken he was she saw only his good sides and chose h regardless his pain hasn't disappeared but had at least dulled to the point where he could claim that yes he had found joy,

While the being of darkness was getting used to comraderie and love the being of light had finished digesting all the emotions he had plundered and come to the conclusion that he was the most perfect exsistence and was the only one allowed to exist and sought to commit genoside, his other caught wind of this plot and decided to stop him but when his lover found out about it she spread the word and every race gathered from the dwarves to the elves the giants and even the dragins were present, ready to fight along side him, this action brought such joy to his heart that he spread his hands and granted them knowledge of the principal energies of the world from mana to aura to ki even the natures of the soul he taught them and a good thing too because the monsters and other creatures of destruction caught wind of the plan of the being of light and as they were called forth to bring ruin to the world they sought to help him as so they entrenched themselves at the foot of the mountain he once called home ready to guard his other with their lives.

Their battle was legendary the two titanic beings could not fight on the mortal plain as their auras along could destroy existence the being of light simply wanted exsistence for himself and nothing else so even he wouldn't destroy it, so they took their battle to the void a space where nothing and no one should exist a space infinite in space but lacking any matter to speak of even then it screamed, clashes that nearly broke the the infinite plain like glass and in the darkest hours that was when the being of darkness showed his hand, chains made of essence of night itself unbreakable as the cycle of night and day wrapped around the being of light, be cursed and threatened, begged and pleaded but the being of darkness heart was not moved as he uttered the words

"i could never do this to my other, but i have long since stopped seeing you as my other good bye being of light"

the alliance was victorious but different races had different ways of celebrating victory so while the giants bellowed and splashed mead the elves clapped politely eventually their differenes in customs began to show as such they quickly separated before things got out of hand until all that were left were the humans who had pleged loyalty to him and him only love who gave him the best news yet, she was with child his child, in his joy he granted her and all of his followers authority over darkness just as he had then took her as his wife and when it became apparent that he would outlive her he ripped out his own immortality storing it in the center of the mountain he was born in, his wife bore him a son and his fathers followers pledged loyalty to him as they did his father, they built a village on the mountain of their battle, the village grew to a town a town to a city a city to a mighty kingdom, the same kingdom we are currently living in so Kalen do you have any questions"

I look my mother in the eye, even at 3 years old i can already tell she's extremely beautiful even the girls the nobles are constantly introducing me to in order to arrange an engagement to always fail to compare but tonight rather than admiring her smile her luscious black hair and blue eyes that always seemed to sparkle and utter

"you expect me to believe that"


"that story is too unbelievableuncle Varius said i should only believe things that are belivable"

"oh really so your uncle Varius thinks my stories are unbelievable huh"

i panic at the thought of my mother blaming one of my favorite uncles for something he didn't do

"no mummy uncle Varuis didnt say that its me who doesn't believe you its just that story sounds so incrbulus and uncle Varius said i should only look at things from a belivable standpoint if i going to be a smart man"

if i wasn't panicking i would have noticed my mother trying to contain her laughter from the way i butchered that word

"believable or not that's the story and now that i've told you, should go to bed" she said as she grabbed me and began tickling me

"mom i can't sleep like this"

"that you can't little one so will you go to bed now i told you the story and i.made extra long this time"

"yes mommy"

"mum when is dad coming home"

and as she closed the door to my room she whispered

"soon little one very soon"