Micheal's pov

I had taken ber to her fovorite stalls but for some reason she still seemed bored, she hid it well help i had to enhacey senses with mana to pick it up, although whether or not she enjoyed herself should have been of no consequence to me i still couldn't help but be discontent at the fact that she couldn't enjoy herself in my company.

A stupid sense of disharmony was arose in my heart and my pride was severely damaged, at the same time i found myself engaged that her someone who by all rights should be throwing herself at my feet couldn't take pleasure in the mere fact that i glanced in ber general direction, frustration was building up in the back of mind so much so that i forgot that due to being around fairly powerful individuals who could change the general atmosphere due their moods she could decipher how incensed they were better than most and so easily noticed my frustration so she gently tapped my arm delivering her practiced smile while saying

"Micheal i'm getting a little tired but to be honest if there one thing i want to see today its marachi dancers beside the west gate can be a dear and escort me before i go home"

she was giving me a chance, one final chance to impress her before she had to leave but what she didn't know was that location was perfect for my plans marachi dancers usually wear bells and other loud things on their costumes and said costumes are very skimpy as such a mixture of the sounds of bells and the hollers at the female dancers usually make it vicinity a very loud and feisty one so. if we go there no one will hear us.

I give a curt nod, to be honest i'm a fan of those dances myself as i find the acrobatic moves involved very pleasant to watch while the dancers still maintain that air of elegance, as we walk towards the soon to be seen i remember something, in my various attempts to woo this girl i had spoken in depth about myself allowing her to get a glimpse into what kind of person i was and i remember telling her in depth about my personal interests which included marachi so when i think about it despite its obvious greatness marachi isnt really a popular subject, apart from the fact that a lot of people don't seem to enjoy it as much as i do it is also something quite expensive to view going as high as 800 platinum 1 platinum being equal to a 100 gold, 1 gold being 100 silver, 1 silver 100 bronze and 1 bronze being a 100 nickles(ugh imagine having to spend nickles the mark of a pauper)

and this event is one the only ones a person could see it openly that's when it hit me she wasn't doing this because she liked the dancing she did it because i liked it and even right now as disgruntled as she was she wanted my last memory of tonight to be a pleasant one.

I find myself in avery strange situation, one so confusing that i accidentally stop walking with Lorain in hand frightening her a bit, after several seconds of trying to assure her that i'm fine we continue on our way but it still remains on my mind, how someone could be so ...good?

She didn't find it difficult to show care on someone even if they truly deserved it and i had checked as throughly as possible but i don't think she took some kind of pleasure in helping others more like she enjoyed the fact that they were happy or satisfied but why, no matter how hard i thought and answer wouldn't come to my mind and so i decided to ask her, so i turned to face her just as we got to the fire fly blowers( a group who would blow flame magic through tubes while changing their shape and colors to produce a light show), as we stopped so did my heart we were surrounded by a cathathrophy of colours, red, blue, green basically every thing you could find in a rainbow but that wasn't why i paused for as i was about to ask my question i caught sight of her face, illuminated by multiple light sources she looked up with a smile so mesmerising i was stunned, while awash with so many colours i was stunned, each and every one of the flames danced around her in such a way one would think they set out solely to exemplify the beauty of the girl next to me and upon that site i my heart began to quicken both it and my brain were telling me stupid things like we should stay here and watch her forever but try as might i couldn't come up with a suitable excuse but before i could try she spoke

"what's wrong"

she said this with visible concern on her face


i reply as we began walking once again to our destination once again, thoughts clashed in my head on whether i should go ahead with the plan, i would try my best to rekindle the hatred i felt with thought on Kalen the image of Lorain's smiling face would reappear in my head and snuff them out the situation was so complicated that even the frustration i had built up today as well as the one from having my thoughts so throughly contradicted were being washed away by a mear memory.

We finally reached the dancers and i had to admit for a group that was put together simply to amuse the masses they were quite good some of my tension had been further relived and my shoulder which had been tense up till now suddenly slumped while i uttered a content sigh, this dance always seemed to help me lower my guard but even with that i couldn't fail to notice that Lorain had wrapped her arm around mine and was smiling sweetly, i made up my mind i could not go through with my plan not to here at least, she was someone i felt i had to protect at all costs but fate would not be so lucky.

A man a few inches shorter than me crashed into my side but before i could retort i noticed the emblem on his shoulder a purple crow on a black field with a lightning bolt running through it the emblem of the purple storm crows and one of my underlings, the reason he did so was because i asked him to when i was planning this whole thing, the plan was to start a comotion and while doing so him and another crony would seemenly smack me into a wall knocking me unconscious while running away with Lorain in tow and during the confusion i would wake up slip out while claiming to be searching for my date and ehile no one was looking i would meet them at an arranged point where i would do what i set out on, these guys had bern shadowing us throughout the night for the perfect chance.

"hey you drunk bastard"


i couldn't speak to him, didn't bring my guild clothes on this because i didn't want anyone to suspect we were in cahoots so i desperately tried to send him a signal to abort the plan with my eyes but instead

"when you didn't speak i thought you were just dumb but the way your eyes are moving maybe your epileptic too"

he said while laughing, honestly plan or no plan once o had gotten what i wanted i would not have let him give for that but right now i was doing my best to make sure everything that couldn't go wrong wouldn't but instead

"can you fuckers shut up "

not far from where we were another group of crows were making their own fun and when i saw what it was i wanted to ask them whether they drunk bear or had it injected straight into their veins, they were playing the dark sphere bet, a ludicrous bet where a few peolple would perform the 7 tier spell dark sphere, a spell known to be highly unstable and see which one of them could hold it up the longest, the person that shouted was a bear of a man not necessarily large but so wide and hairy you would wonder why he wasn't on all fours, it seems he was already having trouble maintainig the spell and had been doing so all night judging by the tiny like of of coins his lap while everyone else's was noticeably bigger but just needed a means to vent his frustration, whether or not he struggled to maintain the spell 7th tier was still 7th tier which means he was definitely stronger than my boys but that didn't stop them from screwing up even further

"who the fuck brought you into this you dumb bastard"

" what did you call me"

"a bastard duh"

" as soon as i'm dine here i swear i'll kill you"

i watched in silent horror not because of fear but becuase the man's spell had becone noticeably more unstable and any umwanted words from me could spell disaster so rather i tried to escort Lorain some where else emphasis on tried, my other goon this one larger and more muscular blocked our path, i tried to signal this one as well but he seemed to be even dumber as he ignored me and tries to grab Lorain off schedule to which she screamed and i blocked his path, a confused look appeared on his face as he tried to step around me grunting soon his grunts turned into incoherent ramblings in an effort to incense me

"you stupid"

"you fat"

"stupid fat"

"move you stupid fatty"

and with and almighty roar the man betting finally lost but that wasn't the problem, the thing is dark sphere isn't actually a spell that difficult to maintain, its a spell that difficult to keep in place but in truth the spell would remain active until one of two circumstances are fulfilled it either hits something or the caster cancels it but when one loses control over it the spell begins to fly erratically and this idiot did not fufil the latter, i knew very well how dangerous that spell was, there is no known substance that can block it so as i see it coming my way rather than trying to block it i jump out of the way but the idiot in front of me follows maybe due to the time we've been doing this he thinks its some kind of game and so the sphere misses us both, the eyes of the crowd that had gathered at the secne weren't on us who had dodged the spell it wasn't on the idiot who had fired it no it was on a girl, to be specific the girl standing right behind me the same one i had tried to protect now stood looking at the hole where he heart should be in shock before collapsing soundlessly, loud bangs began to resound in my head and with them came the immense feeling of dread and as the bangs grew not only closer but louder and with that the dread intensified it took a while but i finally realized the bangs weren't just in my head as the ground shook and people were thrown off their feet in explicitly before the dread settled but was immediately replaced by anguish of a kind i had never felt before, everyone present was brought to their knees clutching their hearts as they looked on the verge of passing out, only i managed to look up in an attempt to judge where this feeling was coming from that was when i remembered, when people who use the arts reach a certain level they are able to influence the emotions of those around them when they are in an extreme emotional state and standing right at the gates was Kalen with an expression so twisted it said it all he was in pain