CH 13: Ali and Natasha P3

Ali kept chuckling as he came back to Natasha's side while she drank from her bottle of water :"What, it's funny! Among the shit ton of races in the universe, humans are one of the ones that have had the least interaction with other races. You barely knew about the other beings in the universe till some years ago! Do you know how much other humans would laugh if an alien called them racist? I'm just adapting to the humor of humans!"

"Very funny, Ali." Natasha rolled her eyes again as she threw the bottle of water into her bag without even looking before she grabbed her bag and walked out of the large training room :"But well, I appreciate it that you're trying to learn about humanity so we can cooperate better."

Ali chuckled fondly as he put his head on Natasha's head again :"You're welcome. You're my perfect host, so of course I would try to get along better with you outside of just fighting and battling."

Natasha nodded as she walked towards her room, already used to where Ali liked to stay :"By the way, I don't think I've asked you this, but where do you stay anyway? Do you just live under my skin or something?"

Ali came beside her face as he smirked at her :"Not just under your skin, I live inside of your skin, your blood and veins, in your body tissues, and basically just about everywhere. Heck, some parts of me are even inside of your heart and brain."

Natasha was silent for a moment as she looked at him questionably before raising an eyebrow :"Couldn't you just stick to one place rather than acting like you're going to take over my body?"

And Ali snickered as he rolled his nonexistent pupils :"Oh please, I'm just looking after you. By being in every part of your body, I can cover your body faster and even heal you faster. It may not be that much faster since I'm already too fast, but believe me, in our world, even a 1/10,000 of a second can mean life and death."

Natasha was silent again for a few seconds before she shrugged :"Well, I may know the Earth far better than you, but you're the one who knows the Universe better, so I'll just trust you. You have earned it even if it's just a little bit after all."

"Aww~." Ali let out with a fond smile as he rubbed his cheek on Natasha's fondly :"I love you too, Natasha! You're so adorable sometimes." Causing Natasha to playfully roll her eyes as she tried to gently push Ali away :"Yeah, yeah, whatever. So what do you wanna do now? I think the others are eating breakfast, should we join them?"

Ali's nonexistent ears perked up at the mention of food as his head whipped towards her with a hopeful smile and look :"Do we have brains?!" And Natasha's expression fell as she looked at him with an unimpressed look.

Ali pursed his lips as he looked away with a pout :"What? Geez, it's not my fault they're delicious..." And Natasha rolled her eyes :"It was a mistake to let you bite Kasady's head off."

(SpongeBob Narrator :"Flashback.")

As Ali threw the Carnage Symbiote inside his mouth, the red Symbiote tried to escape as it screeched and thrashed around. However, Ali's tongue and hands kept it in place before he chewed on it and swallowed it while Cletus watched in horror :"Mmm, a little bit on the sour side, but it ain't that bad."

As he looked at the trembling Cletus, Ali chuckled evilly as his hand extended and grabbed Cletus by the neck before pulling him till they were face to face as he spoke in his deep, raspy voice :"Now, it's your turn. How does it feel like, huh? I'm sure you've put a looot of people in this situation before. So tell me, how does it feel when you're the one on the short side of the stick? Do you like it?"

However, Cletus actually spat on his face. But Ali was far too fast and tilted his head so the spit didn't even graze him as Cletus glared at Ali :"Go to hell, you damn bastard..." Causing Ali to chuckle as he shook his head :"Well, then I will have to ask you to save a spot for me there when you're in hell."

Just as Ali opened his enormous mouth to bite Cletus' head off, Natasha's voice came from inside of him :"Ali, wait." But Ali was the only one who could hear her. He frowned as he closed his mouth and spoke into Natasha's head :"(Why? I get that you don't want me to eat people, but isn't this bitch too much of an asshole to spare?)"

"Sigh, that's not what I meant." Natasha sighed, causing Ali to raise an eyebrow as she continued :"You can eat him, but do it when you aren't covering me like this. Seems like I can taste what you eat when we're like this, and I don't want to taste a human brain yet."

Ali's smile immediately returned as he licked his teeth :"(Alright then, we'll do it like this!)" And Natasha's head was revealed while Ali's head was on her side :"Let's dig in now, shall we?" And he immediately bit Cletus' head clean off as Natasha sighed. And she sighed in annoyance again when she saw Ali's eyes clearly brighten as he tasted the human brain for the first time :"Goddamn it..."

After he took a few seconds to thoroughly taste the delicious food in his mouth, he looked at Natasha with a hopeful face :"Can I eat the rest of his body too? Please?" Causing Natasha to roll her eyes :"No. I already feel a little weird because of seeing you eat someone. I'm not saying you can't do it again, but just give me some time to get used to it."

"Aww... Okay..." Ali sighed dejectedly before he smiled again when he saw Carnage's arm that he had cut off :"Well, I can at least eat that, right?" And Natasha sighed helplessly :"Alright, fine. Go ahead and eat it."

"Yay!" Ali didn't waste a second as he covered Natasha's head as well before a tendril was shot from his hand, grabbed the red arm, and pulled it towards him before he immediately started chewing on it :"Yum!"

After he was done with his meal, he looked aside and smiled at the teenage Spiders who were peeking while hiding behind the wall, shaking a little :"So I believe you won't try to mess with us again, right?"

And all of them immediately began nodding like chickens pecking the ground :"Yes, sir!" Causing Ali to chuckle before he gave a two finger salute and shot a tendril at a building :"Glad to hear that we came up with an agreement. See ya later then."

(SpongeBob Narrator :"End of flashback.")

Ali mock glared at Natasha with a snort :"Hey, give me a break! It's not my fault that they're delicious to us. And besides, you had said that I can eat again, but you haven't let me eat anybody since then!"

Natasha sighed in annoyance as she looked at him with furrowed eyebrows :"Well, what do you expect me to do? We can't just go around and eat normal people, and we can't just start munching on a few thugs because they tried to steal a few bucks."

"I know..." Ali sighed sadly as he looked down with a pout, causing Natasha to sigh and facepalm :"Look, I will let you eat someone if they are too bad, okay? Like, seriously bad."

Ali looked up at her with a raised eyebrow :"Like what kinds of people." Natasha ran her fingers through her hair to fix it as she opened the door of her room and threw her bag aside :"Like rapists, child molesters, human traffickers, and people like that."

Ali groaned before nodding :"Fine, bitch." And Natasha suddenly felt her yoga pants, which were Ali, tighten to the point of giving her a nasty wedgie, causing her to jolt as she tried to grab the part digging into her pussy and pull it out :"Fuck, you son of a bitch!"

Ali laughed loudly as he dodged Natasha's punch :"That's what you get for stopping me from eating delicious food!" And then he stopped after a few seconds before going inside of her to not get hit.

Natasha sighed in annoyance through her nose as she clicked her tongue :"Just turn my clothes into normal ones already. I've already put my bag here, so we should get going."

Ali didn't say anything and just got to it as he transformed her clothes, the parts of him that were acting as clothes, into normal and comfortable ones. After she walked out of her room, she walked towards the living room of the Avengers Tower.

As the doors automatically opened up, Natasha walked in to see the other Avengers, Steve Rogers AKA Captain America, Tony Stark AKA Iron Man, Thor Odinson AKA Thor, Bruce Banner AKA Hulk, Clint Barton AKA Hawkeye, Wanda Maximoff AKA Scarlet Witch, and Vision AKA The Vision.

"Good morning, everyone." Natasha gave a simple upward nod as Ali came out of her shoulder blade and waved at them :"What's up, bitches?" Hellos, good mornings and greetings were heard from around the huge room as Natasha made her way towards the kitchen.

"Good morning, Natasha, to you as well Al." Wanda, who was sitting behind the table of the huge kitchen and eating cereal, smiled at the two as Ali took a lollipop and unwrapped it before putting it in his mouth. "Hey, Wanda. Good morning." Natasha smiled at the other redhead as Ali "floated" to her side with a smile :"Hey, Wands. Morning to you too."

Wanda was one of the persons in the Avengers that Ali got along with the most. Mostly because of their personalities matching rather well. Both of them would put up a serious act, but inside, they were both childish and caring. Ali just didn't see any reason as to why he should be serious anymore, that's why he didn't bother hiding his childish and nearly insane side anymore.

And besides, since she was the only other girl in the Avengers Tower, she and Natasha would spend a lot of time together. So Ali didn't see a reason as to why he shouldn't get along with her.

Wanda rubbed Ali's head, she had kinda gotten addicted to feeling him up because of the silky, smooth and comfortable feeling of his body, as she smiled :"As much of a sweet lover as always, huh? Are you down to playing some games together after breakfast?"

Yeah, being rather introverted, both of them had become gamer bodies. Everybody else in the team was rather serious, so the two immediately became friends when they saw that they could game together.

Both Natasha and Wanda were rather surprised when Ali got used to gaming rather quickly and became really well after learning from Wanda. They found it amusing how an alien slime from another galaxy got used to technology so quickly while Steve was still struggling with cell phones. And they didn't hold back in teasing the old man after that.

Ali immediately nodded with a smile when the subject of gaming came up :"Yup! Definitely count me in!" But Natasha had to be a joy kill as she opened the fridge :"Can't do, Ali. Did you forget that we're going to go around the city and find out how these gangs have gotten so many guns? ... Thor, did you eat my cereal again?!"

The golden retriever on the couch outside the kitchen jolted as he looked back with a nervous smile :"That was yours, lady Natasha?" Before Natasha could chew the god of lightning's head off, Ali defended his second favorite Avenger :"Come on, Nat, it's just cereal. No need to get so mad at the poor guy."

"Sir Ali..." Thor smiled at the Symbiote and looked at him like he was his savior as Ali gave him a thumbs up while Natasha narrowed her eyes at him :"Who's side are you on, motherfucker?"