CH 16: Majesty VS Rhino

Also, the abilities that Ali can copy can be things that even the people who he copied them from don't know. That's my only explanation for powers that he copied but those people don't have it at the moment>


Ali :"Hey, Natasha."

Natasha :"What's up?"

Ali :"What would the name of a black Doomsday be?"

Natasha :"*Having a bad feeling*... What?"

Ali :"*Smirking* Doomnig-"


The two giants kept on hitting each other, creating shock waves blow after blow. However, none of them backed down. Rhino roared at Ali before he grabbed a car and slammed it into Ali, sending him flying away.

When he landed on the ground on his feet, the force of the hit was enough to make him slide on the ground for a bit. But he came to a stop when he bumped into something.

"What the fuck?!" Scorpion, with wounds all over him, turned to see it was Ali who had bumped into him. "SCREECH!" Ali opened his toothy mouth and roared a high pitch screech before he punched him away.

However, just as he punched him away, Ali absorbed a drop of blood on his cheek. Having gained a few more abilities, Ali roared at Rhino who was running towards him before he rushed at him as well.

(Acquired From Scorpion)

Scorpion/Human Hybrid Physiology

Superhuman Strength

Superhuman Speed

Superhuman Stamina

Superhuman Durability

Superhuman Agility

Superhuman Reflexes


Investigative Prowess

Formidable Opponent

Rhino :"ROOOAAARR!!"


When they reached each other, both of them threw their hands at each other. As their hands met, they stopped each other in their tracks as they interlocked their fingers to not let the other go.

Rhino :"ROOOAAARR!!"

Ali :"SCREEE- SHEESH, BRO! I'm not one to talk, but wash your damn mouth!"

It seemed like Rhino didn't like his insult, as he raised his huge ass foot and kicked Ali in the stomach, sending him sliding back a little. Ali slashed his claw at Rhino's head, but he ducked under it as he rammed into Ali's stomach.

Ali hugged him from the back as he fell down and used the momentum to throw Rhino away. But just as he got up, Rhino delivered a right hook to his jaw before delivering an uppercut.

Ali gritted his teeth in annoyance as he delivered a left hook of his own to Rhino's mouth. And just as his head turned because of the punishing force behind Ali's fist, another punch was delivered square into his face.

The moment he went sliding back, Rhino immediately jumped towards Ali and brought his hands down in a hammering motion. But Ali's arms suddenly grew longer and bigger as he punched Rhino so hard into the ground that he bounced back up.

"SCREEEEECH!!!" Ali roared as he right hooked Rhino with his now enormous hand and sent him flying into a building with enough force to not just break the wall, but for Rhino to come out from the other side of the building.

But just as he got up, he saw Ali rushing towards him. Not one to give up, Rhino rushed at him and jumped into his guts like the many times that he had done in their fight.

He slammed him into the wall of the building before grabbing his neck. As Ali grabbed his hand and tried to get him off, Rhino started to punch his face with his free hand.

He managed to deliver several punches, creating quite a few bruises on Ali's face that immediately healed. But Ali wasn't one that liked being on the shorter end of the stick.

He screeched at Rhino's face before squeezing his hands on his wrist so hard that he crushed his hand. Rhino roared in pain before Ali jumped while holding onto his hand and drop kicked him in the guts, sending him flying away to another close building.

Just as Rhino lifted his head to look at Ali, he saw the Symbiotic monstrosity coming at him with an annoyed and angry face before he punched him so hard that the wall broke down and he was sent flying out of the other end of the building.

Ali gritted his teeth before he jumped so high that he passed the building that Rhino went through and came crashing down on Rhino's guts.


"ALI, ENOUGH!" He heard Natasha's voice from inside. When he slowed down, he noticed that Rhino had already passed out with a bloody and bruised up face. He snorted as he got up after absorbing some of his blood to copy his abilities :"Punk."

(Acquired From Rhino)

Gamma Ray Bombardment

‌Superhuman Strength

‌Superhuman Speed

‌Superhuman Stamina

‌Superhuman Durability

"(You alright, Nat?)" Ali asked inside Natasha's head as he grabbed Rhino and dragged him to where the fight had started. Natasha hummed in conformation as she agreed :"Yeah, thanks to you deactivating my pain receptors, I couldn't feel any pain at all. I was just sitting and waiting for you to finish the fight."

Ali hummed with a chuckle "(Well, wouldn't want you to be uncomfortable. I wouldn't go so hard at it normally, would just leave the fighting to you while I would support like we've done till now. But I wanted to have some fun and just go at it.)"

Natasha chuckled inside as she nodded gently :"Well, you are an impulsive one. But it's okay to have some fun from time to time. Just don't go too far and destroy the city. You already did quite a bit of damage."

'Is it a fight in Marvel or DC if buildings and cars aren't getting crashed and abused for no reason?' Ali amused in his head as he walked towards the others.

Once he reached them, he threw the Rhino next to the other passed out villains who were binded by metal and such, probably thanks to the telekinesis girls. "Good job, everyone."

Ali called out in a mock cheerful tone as he walked. But on his way, he intentionally stepped on the bloody stinger of Scorpion's torn off tail. To others, it looked like him just acting random, but Ali had plans to do so.

The person who was fighting Scorpion was Wolverine, and since Wolverine wasn't one to dodge and stuff because of his Healing Factor, the blood on Scorpion's stinger was definitely Logan's. And his idea was confirmed true when he copied the abilities.

(Acquired From Wolverine)

Mutant Physiology

Regenerative Healing Factor

Contaminant Immunity

Fatigue Resistance

Decelerated Aging

Telepathic Resistance

Retractable Bone Claws

Hot Claws

Superhumanly Acute Senses

Superhuman Hearing

Superhuman Sight

Superhuman Smell

Superhuman Taste

Superhuman Touch

Superhuman Strength

Superhuman Speed

Superhuman Stamina

Superhuman Durability

Enhanced Reflexes

Enhanced Agility

Animal Empathy

Skilled Tracker

Above Normal Intelligence

Master Martial Artist

Weapons Expert

Computer and Vehicles Expert

Expert Assassin



Adamantium Beta

'Huh?' Sensing that he had even copied Wolverine's adamantium bones, Ali was slightly surprised. After all, his adamantium skeleton wasn't something that he was born with or had naturally :'But it's still completely bonded with him...

Does that mean I can even copy things like that? But how does that even work? Ahh, so I can manipulate myself to copy the exact structure of his adamantium bones and such to the molecular level, huh? Well, that's useful.'

Satisfied with the results, Ali went back inside Natasha and formed her normal clothes instead. "Whoa, you seriously did a number on him!" Kitty said as she came to Natasha's side and looked at the messed up Rhino.

Ali came out of Natasha's shoulder blade before floating around Kitty :"Of course, we're hella badass, girl! Just him is nothing." An arm came out of his side as he patted Kitty's shoulder in a friendly manner while looking at the other :"But you y'all aren't bad either. Good job."

Kitty flinched when he put his hand on her shoulder, but she didn't push him away and just chuckled a little nervously. What nobody noticed, other than Natasha, was Ali absorbing Kitty's dead skin on her neck. He didn't need to just absorb blood, as long as something had a little DNA on it, that was enough.

(Acquired From Shadowcat)


Selective Phasing/Intangibility

Phased/Intangible Extension

Phased/Intangible Camouflage

Phased/Intangible Disruption

Phased/Intangible Travel

Telepathic Resistance

Master Martial Artist

Master Swordsman

Dance Training

Expert Pilot

Genius-level Computer Expert


After the villains were taken care of and they were sent to Ryker's Island, a prison with special facilities for superpowered individuals on an island near New York, Kitty who had warmed up to Ali like a normal teenager, looked at Natasha and Wanda hopefully :"I know! Why don't we all go shopping together?!"

Natasha and Wanda exchanged looks silently before Kitty insisted even more :"Come on! This way, not only will we get to know Ali, or Majesty as his Symbiote name, we will also have fun! After all, going shopping with a bunch of grumpy guys, especially Logan who complains every five seconds, isn't that fun..."

"Hey, twerp, I heard that." Logan grumbled as Kitty turned to Natasha and Wanda with puppy dog eyes :"See what I mean? C'mon! Being friends with a slime-like alien from outer space is really cool!"

'If we do go, I will have many opportunities to copy the powers of Scott, Jean and Kurt. Hehehehehe, I can also get closer to the girls. Jean is honestly fucking wasted on that asshat.

But... That will mean even more shopping... Is it worth it? More powers, and the chances of me getting into the pants of such cuties with Natasha will increase considerably... Sigh, fuck it...'

Ali turned to Natasha with an amused smirk :"Sure, why not? I mean, we're already here, and you didn't look like you were anywhere near finished. And besides, I would like to prove to these guys that I'm not like Carnage and Venom. (I can also copy the powers of the others, so play along.)"

Natasha thought about it for a moment before she agreed with a sigh and a shrug while smiling in amusement :"Fine, why not? What do you think, Wanda?"

"The more the merrier! C'mon then, girls! Let's go on a shopping spree!" Wanda called out excitedly as she took Kitty and Jean's hand before pulling them. While Natasha followed, Kitty giggled :"Ohh, the others are gonna be so jealous when I tell them about this!"

While the girls were shopping and the boys were grumbling in annoyance, Ali luckily managed to copy the abilities of all of the X-Men that were near him.

(Acquired From Phoenix)


Omega Level Telepath

Telepathic Defense

Telepathic Cloak

Cloak Mind

Psychic Shield

Telepathic Illusions

Telepathic Camouflage

Telepathic Manipulation

Memory Alteration

Mind Control

Mind Possession

Personality Alteration

Mental Paralysis

Mental Amnesia

Mind Transferal

Heal Trauma

Mental Sedating

Neural Jumpstart

Dilate Power

Mind Link

Inter-Dimensional Telepathy

Psychic Blast

Astral Projection

Temporal Telepathy

Mental Detection

Omega Level Telekinesis

Psychic Firebird

Force Field

Tactile Telekinesis

Matter Transmutation

Telekinetic Weapons

Temporal Telekinesis

Telekinetic Aura

Psychic Resistance

Psychic Entity Physiology

Cosmic-Level Telekinetic Blast

Psionic Bolt Generation

Psychic Firebird

Self Resurrection

Not wanting to gain the attention of the Phoenix Force, Ali didn't copy or touch some of her abilities, since he wasn't yet strong enough to go against that kind of being. And even though he could adapt to fight against it, he still didn't want to risk it.

(Acquired From Nightcrawler)


Beacon Teleportation

Subconscious Spatial Awareness

Micro-Suction Discs

Flexible Bone Structure


Prehensile Tail

Night Vision

Superhuman Agility

Superhuman Reflexes

Master Acrobat

Master Combatant




(Acquired From Cyclops)

Optic Blast

Trajectory Bending

Spatial Awareness

Energy Resistance

Expert Pilot

Master Tactician and Strategist


Expert Martial Artist

Telepathic Resistance