CH 29 (N/A/F): Date P2

(N/A): Natasha and Ali

(F/A): Felicia and Alicia

(N/A/F): Natasha and Ali/Alicia and Felicia

(N/A/F) is for when they're all together, like in this chapter, and not just mentioned. The reason for this is simple. Since I don't want to make a second fanfic just for Felicia and Alicia, since I feel like Alicia would be weak in that, it's going to be a mix.

And since Ali is too overpowered already, Felicia and Alicia will make a great story too. But don't worry, I won't focus just on them. But I definitely have a great plot in mind for them!>


(Felicia's suit:)

"Tadaa!" Ali, Felicia and Alicia all said at the same time as the two Symbiotes presented the feline thief while she spread her arms :"Surprise!"

But Natasha was even more confused as she furrowed her eyebrows :"Wait... What now??? What's going on here?" Causing Ali to chuckle :"Well, do you remember my Duplication ability which I got after eating Carnage?

Long story short, I created a Duplicate and bonded it with Fel-... Black Cat here! And you know everything about that ability, so I don't need to explain anything."

Alicia, Ali's female Duplicate which had come out of Felicia's shoulder blade nodded with a smile :"Yup, I can completely control it without even a hint of effort!"

Natasha was a little speechless at the sudden turn of events as she brought her hand up and rubbed her temples :"Sigh... I seriously have a lot of questions... Sigh, but I don't want to waste time on our date, so just answer these three questions for now.

1: Why did you bond your Duplicate with her?

2: Why didn't you tell me sooner?

3: Why does it have a female voice?"

While Felicia watched the interaction with interest, Ali nodded calmly with a smile :"Alright, I'll answer them all.

1: To protect her, since the world is a lot more dangerous than you think. And because it's interesting since my abilities change and it feels like I created a completely new account in a game.

2: Don't talk as if I did this months ago. I did it last night when neither of you were paying attention.

3: Because I don't want anybody else to know about this ability, and want to make it so the world thinks that Cat here just got lucky and found a new Symbiote."

While the two stared at each other, as if questioning each other with their eyes, Felicia finally chuckled and walked to Natasha's side as she put her hands on her shoulder with a smile :"Aww, don't be mean to him, Red.

I get that you might get a bit jealous and possessive, so I understand. But I have to take his side here since I REALLY like this new found power that comes with Alicia!"

Natasha curled her lips as she raised a questioning eyebrow at her :"You're going on a date with me, yet you're taking his side?" Causing Felicia to chuckle and shrug :"Can you really blame me?

Honestly, there are few things that I wouldn't do to make sure that Alicia would stick with me. I mean, can you blame me? You're the one who has been bonded with him for a lot longer.

And since he said that his real body is a LOT stronger than his Duplicate, you should definitely know how precious he is, no? Also, I'm not going on a date with just you. I'm going on a date with the both of you!"

Unfortunately, Natasha couldn't disagree at all. She had remembered just this morning just how powerful Ali had made her. And even if not for power, she really cared for him since he was literally the closest person to her.

In the end, she sighed in defeat as she rolled her eyes :"Fine fine, I will lay off for now. And did you seriously agree to what he has planned? He has told you that he wants us all to date each other, right?"

Felicia smirked as she shrugged :"Why wouldn't I agree? Not only would I be able to date one of the hottest women in the world, I would also be dating an alien who is so powerful and can make me extremely powerful as well.

Ah, but don't think I'm doing this just out of profit! Well... It is the biggest reason... At least for now. But anyway, since even you, THE Black Widow, started a relationship with him, I'm sure that developing feelings for him will be easy."

Natasha honestly couldn't blame her or get angry or annoyed at her. After all, she would be lying if she said that she didn't see him as a weapon or a tool at first.

It was only later on that he showed his care to her that she began to develop feelings for him. And Black Cat was right. If even she managed to have feelings for him and vice versa, the chances of Cat not loving him as well were extremely low.

And besides, since she and her Symbiote had decided to date Cat together, she would definitely help him be seen as a living being and a lover instead of just a weapon to get stronger.

She smirked lustfully as she hugged Felicia's waist :"Actually, you will know that he is a LOT more than a weapon once you ask him to fuck you in the bed~."

Felicia's eyebrows rose in interest as she smirked at Alicia :"Oh, really now~?" Natasha nodded with a bite of her bottom lip before speaking right next to Felicia's ear :"Yup.

He... Or in your case, she, can get really creative with his Shapeshifting. It can honestly get a bit overwhelming sometimes~."

Felicia bit her lip as a shiver ran down her spine from Natasha's raspy and lustful voice. She smirked at the smirking Alicia as she licked her teeth :"Well, I guess I will need to find out, no?"

Natasha chuckled before stepping in front of her. She held her hand up for her to place her own hand on as she smiled gently :"Well, shall we get this date started then, my dear?"

Felicia chuckled before she gently placed her hand on Natasha's as her suit transformed :"Well aren't you a sweet lady? Then let's enjoy ourselves, hm?"

The pure red and black suit started to morph as in a split second, it turned into a pair of black jeans with thigh high heels, a dark purple shirt, a black crop top jacket with fur on its neck and wrists, and a small black handbag. She also wore some jewelry before coming here, so they were revealed as well while her mask was still on.

As Natasha gently held Felicia's hand, she smiled at her :"Beautiful outfit. It suits your style." And Felicia smiled back :"Thanks, you look really beautiful yourself. Didn't have the time to say it since you were so surprised when I arrived."

Natasha chuckled as they walked towards the edge of the rooftop :"Yeah, the thought of you getting Ali's Duplicate didn't cross my mind at all. And here I was wondering why he was so sure that you would come to our date."

Felicia snorted with a smirk as she playfully glared at her :"Heeey! I make a thief, but I'm not a bitch. I wouldn't stand you up. Especially when my date is such a gorgeous woman~."

Natasha chuckled as they jumped down the building and landed on the ground, surprising quite a few people who cheered a little while the two just ignored them :"You flatter me, Cat. You're really beautiful yourself. By the way, wanna eat something first?"

Felicia nodded with a smile while walking with her :"Yeah, sure. My appetite has really gone up since Alicia bonded with me. But well, thanks to her "ability", I don't need to worry about "that"."

Natasha turned to her as she raised her hand to her own lips and shushed her :"Shh, don't talk about "that" so casually in public. Do you know what kind of chaos will erupt if that is revealed?"

Felicia laughed at her playfulness as Ali and Alicia rolled their eyes :"Screw you both." And so, their date finally began. The two didn't have each other's contacts, so they hadn't planned out anything together.

However, since Ali was at two places at the same time, he had acted like a phone unbeknownst to Natasha and would tell her his ideas based on what he learned from Felicia.

At first, since their appetites had gone up thanks to their Symbiotes, they went to a nice restaurant where Natasha had gotten a reservation before. It was Ali's idea, so she had just agreed to it when he was so persistent on it.

"So how did you two end up together anyway?" Felicia asked with a small smile after she swallowed her food and took a sip from her wine.

Natasha raised an amused eyebrow as she swallowed her own food :"As in how we started dating, or how we literally ended up as a host and Symbiote?"

Felicia chuckled as she got ready to eat a piece of her food :"I don't want to make it awkward by bringing your dating life into this, so just how you ended up as a host and Symbiote for now please."

"Mhm." Natasha hummed as she leaned on the table and patted the head of Ali in his cute form, who was eating his own food with Alicia :"Well, it was at night.

Me and another Avenger had just finished a mission and we're planning to rest in a hotel in a remote area. But just as I walked into my room and closed the door, a raspy and deep voice spoke up in my mind :"Hello, Natasha."."

Felicia giggled at how Natasha tried to imitate Ali's voice before she snapped her fingers at Nat :"That's exactly what happened to me too!

I just walked into my place, and this deep, feminine voice called out my name. Is this some kind of a trend for you Symbiotes? Or is it just a habit to try and freak your hosts out?"

"Freak you out?" Ali questioned in an offended manner as he ate his food before Alicia continued his sentence :"Cat, it's the only way for us to NOT freak you out. All other ways will make you humans run away!"

"Mhm mhm." Ali nodded as he explained :"For example, how would you feel if a colorful liquid was moving towards you all on its own?"

"Yeah!" Alicia snorted as she looked at Felicia with a judging expression :"Or what about a monster ranging from 6 feet to 9 feet on normal with a saw for a mouth running towards you screaming :"Hey! Be my host!"?"

Felicia was speechless as she gave a tilted nod with curled lips :"Alright, fair enough. I would definitely run for my life if the second thing happened."

"Yeah, that's what we thought." The Symbiotes snorted as they got back to their own food. The girls chuckled at their acts as Felicia gestured for Natasha to continue :"Well, tell the rest of the story."

Natasha just shrugged with a smile as she took a sip of her wine :"Nothing much after that. I was on my guard first, but after he revealed himself, told me about himself, his abilities and his benefits, I agreed to the deal as long as he agreed to some conditions."

"Oh?" Felicia questioned as she gently slapped the cute Alicia who tried to steal some of her food :"What conditions?" And Natasha just shrugged casually :"Conditions like for him to not do things that give Symbiotes such bad names and reputations. For example, eating random people, causing random chaos out of nowhere, and things like that."

With a look of understanding, Felicia nodded :"Yeah, definitely have to set some boundaries and rules for stuff like that. Don't want to have the taste of someone's brain in my mouth for days."