CH 39 (N/A): Reptilian Invasion P9

Incorrects P12:

Natasha :"*Sees someone fall to the ground* "Heh, what an idiot."

(See's it's Felicia)

Ali :"It's our idiot!"


"(I'm getting really tired of the damn sewers...)" Ali sighed in frustration while inside Natasha. He had gotten bored and tired of just walking around randomly, so he had just given the job to Natasha.

Being able to just give the task of walking to someone else while he rested was one of the many benefits of being a Symbiote. A benefit that he really loved, even though he had unlimited stamina thanks to his Adaptability.

Whenever he was about to get tired, or his stamina got lower than usual, his almost stupid Adaptability would take the chance to shine and make his upper limit when it came to his stamina even bigger.

So the entire reason why he just went into Natasha, was because his Adaptability wouldn't do shit to his lazy nature. The redhead smirked smugly with a snort :"Isn't it your fault?

How many times did I tell you that we should hurry up and find The Lizard? But you were like :"Nooo, let's just take it easyyyy. What could go wrong?". Well, did you get your answer now?

If you had just hurried up in the first place, we could've dealt with this a long time ago. We could've been spending time swinging around, sightseeing, eating food, or just spending time doing nothing if you had just listened.

But now, Lizard fought Cat and Alicia, and Billy nearly died. But thankfully, he's alive, and there's a chance that he might be the key to getting Connors back to normal."

"(...)" The redcon snorted after a moment of silence :"(Hmph, to hell with you...) Causing his host to roll her eyes :"Yeah yeah, whatever. Let's just hurry up and see if we can find the poor bastard already."

"(... Sigh, fuck it. Fine, go ahead. I've had enough of the fucking sewers anyway.)" Ali groaned, and Natasha smirked, before sprinting. And not just simple sprinting, she seemed to want to speedrun this place.

Even when mutated lizards showed up, she didn't stop. She just kept running, running, and running. And when mutated lizards showed up, she acted as if it was one of the parts in a game where it was a cutscene and you just had to press a few buttons.

Girl was literally treating them like those quick time events. Didn't even think of them as enough to just wait and beat all of them. Just quick comboed all of them and just kept running.

Unfortunately, Ali couldn't eat any chocolate or popcorn while inside his host. Otherwise, he would definitely take out some and eat while watching the satisfying show, if he had any that is.

After a while, when she heard a loud growling, she decided to check it out :"I think we found what we were looking for..." And the moment she saw him, she sighed in annoyance.

Normally, The Lizard was already quite tall, being about 6'8 (203 cm). However, the bastard had actually put on some height in the few hours after he fought Ultimate.

And by some height, as in three or four freaking meters. He was already tall enough to nearly make a normal human look like a dwarf in front of him. Now, even Natasha looked like a kid when compared to him.

His height wasn't the only thing that was different about him. He had grown two pairs of horns on his face, two on each side, and had grown horns that started from his head and went all the way down to the tip of his enormous tail. And obviously, he had lost all of his clothes because of the massive increase in size.

But thankfully, his privates couldn't be seen by the world. It was either under his scales, or maybe he just loses his precious jewels while being The Lizard. Probably the first idea.

"(He looks a bit different...)" Ali hummed curiously :"(Did he get a new haircut or something?)" And ironically, Lizard had actually grown spiky brown hair.

However, surprisingly, The Lizard wasn't looking at them. He had his attention somewhere else. Or to be exact, on something, or someone else.

"MEOW!!!" The cry of a kitten which was being looked down on by the mutated scientist was heard, immediately pulling the attention of the duo.

When they looked at the feline, which had the attention of their target, they saw a scared, black kitten with hazel eyes .

They also found out the reason for its cry. When they paid attention to the cat, they saw a wound on its side. It wasn't that deep, but it wasn't just a scratch either.

If it wasn't tended to quickly, the wounds may become fatal. Especially since the cat didn't seem to be that old. But no matter how small the wound was, it still managed to fuel the anger of the animal loving Symbiote :'Lizard, you just made this shit personal...'

Natasha was a lot calmer, but she still really wanted to save the cat. However, she was a little shaken at Ali's growl :"(Natasha, you better beat the living shit out of that overgrown piece of shit.)"

"... I was planning to do that, but what's with the sudden hostility?" The host whispered and the Symbiote growled, in no mood to chat :"(Natasha Romanoff, you better get to work or I can't guarantee that I will let that asshole live when I take charge.)"

The redhead curled her lips before agreeing :"Alright, geez..." And her eyes went wide when Lizard opened its giant mouth, intending to eat the poor cat :"(Fucking get to it already!)"

And she did as she rushed towards him. Just before he could get near the kitten, Nemesis grabbed his tail from behind, catching its attention :"Oy! It's about time you stop!"

Before the mutated monstrosity could do anything, Nemesis planted their feet on the ground, and pulled with a terrifying strength. The Lizard was almost immediately lifted off his feet as Nemesis started spinning in place, spinning Lizard with them.

Once they let go of him, he went flying and Nemesis growled :"It's time for you to turn into Connors, Lizard! Stop resisting!" But surprisingly, their words caused the monster to laugh in mockery :"Kah Nrrs? Kah Nrrs... Is Shed."

"Well shit..." Natasha groaned in annoyance :"Listen here, Connors. We're done with the games. You better give up or els-" However, their sentence were cut off by the rude Lizard :"Monkey brain is Lizard home now.

No more Kah Nrrs... Kahnars... Cahnnurs... Connors." He said, surprising the duo a bit :"So you can talk now?" However, the voice of her Symbiote hurried her :"(Natasha, we don't have time for chit chat! That poor cat will die if we don't hurry!)"

"Connors's brain had many words. I have many words now." Lizard growled at them while looking down at them :"When lizard comes always Connors hold on to monkey brain.

Hold on to protect offspring. Lizard raid his nest. Connors not want to hold on anymore. Connors is no more. Connors is dead."

"... Is that so?" Natasha looked up at him, with nothing but the coldness of a killer in her emerald green eyes, glaring at him :"Then we don't see any reason as to why we should go easy on you."

With an angry look, Lizard swiped his claws at them. However, instead of dodging, or even defending against the incoming strike, Nemesis just clenched their fist, and threw a punch right at the incoming claws.

Lizard snorted in mockery, thinking of them as foolish for trying to fight back. However, he roared in pain once the strikes met. The moment Nemesis's punch hit Lizard's hand, the reptile's fingers and hand immediately bent backwards.

"(You take care of the bastard. I will see if I can help the poor cat.)" The angry Symbiote said, before a tendril came out of Nemesis's back, and glided towards the weak cat.

Even though the wound wasn't enough to immediately kill it, it was still bleeding heavily from its side. Poor thing had gotten weak to the point that it had collapsed, nearly about to pass out.

It was barely conscious when Ali, in the form of a tendril, reached it. But what caught his attention, was that there was an open bag about one or two meters away.

And once he saw the wet state of the cat, which definitely wasn't just because of the blood, he got a little bit of what had happened :'Did this cat...

Get thrown here? Inside the water or something? Moreover... While inside of a fucking bag... When I find them, I will fucking slaughter them...'

However, he didn't focus too much on how he was going to torture the bastard or bastards that did something like this to a poor, mindless kitten. He had to save said kitten after all.

He moved towards it and slightly bonded with it. He couldn't bond with it completely, since he was bonded with Natasha at the moment. It was like he just bonded a bit of himself with it.

But even with just a little bit, the cat's bleeding got slower and slower. While he was healing and fixing it from the inside, he found out two things. 1: The cat was a girl. 2: She had a collar with a name on it.

'... Liho? Misfortune? ' He thought quietly as he looked at it. For some reason, he found the name a little... Familiar. But he didn't bother with it too much as he focused on healing her with the little bit of power that he had.

But contrary to him, who had almost no power while inside Liho, Nemesis on the other hand, was giving The Lizard them hands.

Poor Lizard was just swiping his giant claws left and right, even going as far as to try and bite them or hit them with its tail. But unfortunately for him, they weren't lying when they said that they don't see any reason to hold back.

They would either dodge, hit back, or just send the poor thing flying around. Even when it tried to bite them, Nemesis just grabbed his mouth, lifted him up, and started slamming him around.

Poor thing really regretted trying to hit them with his tail. The moment he tried that, they slammed him into something that looked like a jet engine, electrifying him before his Regenerative Healing Factor took effect.

However, they had realized something. With each injury, Lizard's Regenerative Healing Factor would slow down a little. Normally, you wouldn't be able to notice such small changes unless the speed has become a lot slower.

However, with Natasha's focus, attention, and senses that Ali has given her, they could easily notice how his healing would slow down. Slowly, but surely.

"You... Foolish... Monkey brain! You can't defeat me! I'm unbeatable! Invincible! Connors is already dead! I've already won!" Lizard glared at them, while his wounds were being healed.

However, it was quite obvious how the speed of his healing had been reduced significantly. His Regenerative Healing Factor was extremely fascinating.

Being able to heal completely shattered bones in mere seconds. Ali could even remember that he recovered in seconds from his spine being severed.

And besides, just the fact that Ali copied someone's powers only because of their Regenerative Healing Factor was already enough evidence of how powerful his was.

But even that powerful Regenerative Healing Factor had significantly slowed down. Previously, he could heal broken bones and even lost fingers and such in mere seconds.

But now, he was full of scars and wounds, big and small. Even light wounds were taking a long time to heal. Nemesis snorted with a look of disdain in their emerald green eyes :"Unbeatable?

Invincible? Those words only apply to us here, fool. Connors isn't dead. And even if he is, we just have to bring him back from the dead. Enjoy your last few hours of life before you're completely dead, Cold One."