
Khali's face tinted with awe. The trees in his environment blew fresh air. Leaves kept following the flow of the wind. It was a really beautiful place. Butterflies flapped their wings in the fresh flowers near his spot.

He gazed around and let his hands hug the unseen and cool presence of the wind. With his eyes closed, he stepped a little backward and finally took a deep breath. It filled his lungs with freshly scented air. He opened his eyes, looking up at the sky with leaves falling on him. He circled around like a child.

"Do you miss your childhood?" Eve asked as she reached her hand to a colorful butterfly flying near her.

"I do," said Khali, while his thoughts played around finding their way to his childhood memories -

'Ah, I just realized I don't have any memory of it.' He thought, bowing his head.

"You'll learn everything here from my servant," Eve said as she walked near him. Her right hand froze stiffly, maintaining its pose to hold the butterfly on her finger.

"Your servant?" Khali asked. Turning his head left and right, and saw no one except Eve.

Khali stared at her, puzzled. Eve gave a hypnotizing gaze as she moved her hand near her lips and kiss the butterfly. A glowing light illuminated the butterfly, eventually forming a human shape along with its wings. Khali covered his eyes with his hands to avoid being blinded by the brightness it gave.

The bright light, at a slow pace, lost to his view. The only thing he saw was a magnificent girl wearing a blue dress with colorful wings, just like a butterfly. Her blonde hair was long enough to meet her elbows. Her round blue eyes captured the attention of Khali. His ears turned red and became warm, which made Yumi giggle.

"My name is Yumi. I'm happy to serve you, my master." She said in a cute tone.

"Master?" Khali asked as he looked at Eve.

"You can now start your journey. Yumi will help you with everything you need to know." Eve said as she hovered her hand and a portal appeared.

"Until next time, Wanderer," she added, as she walked into the portal, and then immediately vanished.

While Khali was collecting his thoughts, Yumi ran and gave him a warm hug. Khali's eyes turned big. She caught him off guard.

"I'm so happy to serve my new master," she said with enthusiasm.

Khali's body was so stiff, causing them to fall to the ground. Yumi's breasts bounced onto Khali's body, which made her groan. Khali, in response to this awkwardness, helped himself up and assisted Yumi.

"Are you alright?" He asked, holding both of her arms.

Yumi's face turned red. She quickly looked at the ground to hide her blushing face. She felt the heat inside her body as if a train was ready to horn when it reached its destination.

'What's this?'

'This is not the time to feel something with your master. Pull yourself together, Yumi,' she told herself.

"I'm fine, master," she replied, showing gravitas in her face, eventually sliding her lips and eyes to make a big smile.

"You scared me," Khali said as he let his hands go off her and stepped back, maintaining a distance between them.

"So, can you tell me about this game, Yumi?" He asked, bending his knees a little so he could see her innocent face.

She looked at him, clenched his hands behind her, and took a deep breath.

"Okay. Let's go over it," she said.

"Your watch shows your stats as a player. Rank, Level, Guild, Experience, Health, Magic Spell, Physical Strength, Speed, Intelligence, and Eggs." Yumi discussed without taking a break.

"Now, you must choose your Guild."

"Guild?" Khali asked.

"Yes. Guilds are basically groups that help players grow and win every challenge of the game."

Yumi moved her hands in the air, then 5 crystals appeared in the air with the colors Black, Red, White, Blue, and Green.

"This is the Soul Redeemer, Fiery Eagles, Hammers of God, Defenders of the Sword, and the House of Snipers." Yumi pointed accordingly.

"Choose one, master," she said.

Khali folded his arms, looking at the crystals. As he studied each of them, a deep, growling whisper entered his ears.

"Khali," his eyes locked onto the fourth Crystal. It whispered again.

"Khali." He stepped forward as it hypnotized his mind. He grabbed it, then another scene absorbed his soul.

It was dark, like a cave or dungeon. His surrounding whirled voluntarily. Until a blue light came out. It lit the buried sword. He was called once more, this time non-stop until his ears can't take it anymore. Then a giant dragon's face appeared in front of him, causing him to cry a terrifying bawl.

"Master, master," a voice he heard.

He opened his eyes, seeing two images of the same face until they merged.

"What happened?" He asked.

"You collapsed. I was so worried." Yumi said, as her eyebrows lowered and got closer together.

He got up from the ground and started thinking about what had happened earlier. It was not a dream; he was sure about that.

"Yumi," he said.

"Yes, master?" she replied, worried.

"It dragged me into the other world after I touched that Crystal," he said, pointing his finger at the blue Crystal.

"The Defenders of the Sword," Yumi whispered.

His eyes looked concerned as he remembered the shocking face of the dragon he saw.

"I saw a dragon."

"A dragon?" she asked, trying to understand Khali.

"Yes, and a voice. It keeps calling me, then a dragon suddenly appeared in front of me," he said. His face sweat a lot and his hands trembled. Yumi saw how terrified his master was. She studied him, then looked at the Crystal.

"The Mad Dragon."

"It's not supposed to appear to just everybody." She stopped for a second.

"Maybe you're not ordinary, master Khali," she added.

Her gaze gave Khali a worried feeling. It was new to him. Knowing he's in this game and without his memory.

"What do you mean?" he asked. Khali stood up from his place and walked toward the Blue Crystal.

"The Mad Dragon has been sleeping for 3 years now. It's looking for its new master to serve." Yumi said as she followed him.

"New master? What happened to the old ones?" he asked.

Silence kept Yumi's mouth. She can't say the word, but she fought her fear to protect Khali.

"They… died," she muttered.

Sadness and grief covered her eyes, while anxiety filled Khali's heart. It beat a big pumped, this time, not because of love, but because of fear. Knowing that someone died because of the Mad Dragon.

"But, why me?" he asked, trembling in his feet.

"Maybe it chose you." An unknown voice disrupted their anxiety.