Destiny they say can be delayed but not denied,No matter how long it takes, Africa must reach her destiny!

The truth must surely prevail,No matter how you try to cover it up it still doesn't change from being the truth, finally the truth must always prevail.

No matter how you try to twist words to make it looks like the truth if it's not the truth It will never stand, No matter how long it will take if it's not the truth It won't stand until the truth comes.

Africa lost her beauty and strength long ago and it's quite unfortunate that we have grown to be so comfortable and relaxed with it.

Africa has a great future but by the end of this book and by the end of actualizing the purpose of this book, Africa will have a greater future!

It doesn't matter how long we have been deceived or maybe used, It doesn't matter how long we've been suppressed or oppressed,one thing is for sure,One day Africa will go home to a better and greater future!

It is my duty till I die to preach the gospel of the freedom of Africa because my people are being deceived, My families are being manipulated for centuries.

It is my duty to preach to the ones that has ears to listen and the courage to abide, Africa is in bondage, Africa is in deep Phycological bondage, Africa is supposed to have developed more than it has already.

70% of Africa is still in abject poverty meanwhile the resources in Africa could single handedly sustain her people sufficiently.

But where are the resources? Who is consuming them? Who is digging them?

Why are they still people in the San suffering for lack of development?

Why are poor people greater than Rich people in Africa?

Our resources are enough to beautify our lives, Why then is the reverse the case in Africa? Who is doing this evil to Africa? Who is stealing Africa's resources? Who is behind the corruption and terrorism that is working legally in Africa? Who did we offend?

If our God hated us He wouldn't have surrounded us with aboundance of treasures,He wouldn't have blessed us outstandingly with natural strength and magnificent beauty.

Our God loves us that is why He blessed us with all those wonderful things to beautify our lives and lessen burdens for us but unfortunately evil has invaded Africa and stole our privileges and our beauty.

It was in the mid 3rd century when this evil atrocities invaded Africa and since then till now Africa has never known true peace or true happiness.

Since the 3rd century Africa lost her beauty,her freedom,her dignity and her Respect for humanity.

The only thing Africa survives with is her strength which is endless like the river Nile,her Wisdom which is so high like the height of the land to the sky and her color which scares her demons and which makes her the original and the superior One.

Instead of the truth not to prevail heaven and earth will pass away, what is written is written and it is what must be done, It doesn't really matter if it has been going on for centuries or millennium, It doesn't really matter if we think we are doing okay with it, What will be must be! surely one day the unavoidable and the undeniable greater future of Africa that has been caged will definitely be uncaged

A greater evil has befallen Africa since 3rd century till date and since then we have been dangling and struggling with it,We thrive regardless of the force of the evil that fell on us, It is the natural strength and the wisdom of God that we're surviving through.

No one can shut the door that was opened by God almighty,no matter the force of power, No matter the extent of charms, Nothing can stop our shine.

They may have succeeded all this years in forcefully deceiving and suppressing us, they may have succeeded in stealing our resources and stealing our human rights but they can't stop our shine and they can't take away what belongs to us.

They can't move our lands to their land, They can't prevent the truth from prevailing,they can't transfer our resources to their lands, they can only steal from us as much as they but one day it will stop.

One day Africa will rise above her biggest challenges and her biggest threat which is colonialism just as we conquered slavery and we fought for independence soon we will conquer colonialism.

The day Mazi Nnamdi Kanu came to these earth was the day the sun rose again, that day a messiah was sent to Africa, A Savior was sent to go and liberate Africa from her damnation.

Mazi Nnamdi Kanu is a man of truth, A man of wisdom,A man of God, A man of courage,A man of justice,A man of love, A true legend and a freedom fighter

He was sent by God to come and free Africa from her bondage,He is well equiped by God for this mission and well informed.

The earlier African accepts what it is the better for them, Mazi Nnamdi Kanu has come to save us all and lead us home to a greater and better future.

The earlier Africans team up with him to accomplish this holy quest of sanitizing Africa entirely from her spiritual and physical oppressors

The sun has risen again from the East and they are fighting so relentlessly to subdue it again by all means necessary that is why Mazi Nnamdi Kanu is still in prison till today dated 26/07/2022 and his next court procession will be on November

The sun that is supposed to shine for the entire race of Africa is held captive for over one year plus and Africans are so reluctant about addressing the issues, The savior of Africa is in captivity and Africans are saying anything reasonable about it.

If Africa should miss these her greatest opportunity of getting out of oppression and suppression It will take Africa a century to have it back again.

Let's use these opportunity while we still have it, let's embrace the truth and realize ourselves at these moment, We have grown too big and better to be used by any other continent again, We are no longer in darkness, although they were the ones that brought the darkness for us but still we managed to escape.

Let's fight for our shine, Let's protect our lives, Let's preserve our rights and let's secure a better Africa for our future generations.

A better Africa is possible and it's undeniable just as the coming of Biafra is inevitable And the freedom and the victory of the Sun that rose from the East is Assured (MaziNnamdiKanu)!