Chapter 21 Evil,A Penance!

That's one thing about evil, it makes you the doer so uncomfortable everyday everytime anywhere, you can not have full peace of mind, no matter how happy you may seem to be, no matter the Amount of money in your account, No Matter the Amount of treasures in your bunker, no matter how you try to act as if you're alright inside yet it is still shown plainly in your face that you are not alright, If you purposefully commit evil you will be haunted consciously and you will never be comfortable internally, Evil is like a virus, It expands it's damages inside little by little and at the end it will shut everything down completely, "One Evil breeds all Evil" "It will take you a 99% lies just to cover a lie yet it won't be covered " so what's the point of trying? Since you know that the truth will always prevail at the end why try so hard to impose the lies? There is no reason to lie, there's no point, no matter how you try to cover evil still one day the truth must evolve from somewhere out of nowhere, If we had loved ourselves we wouldn't be hurting each other, if we had loved ourselves we wouldn't be killing each other, Colonialism and Christianity has brainwashed Africans into hating themselves, into hating their forefathers, into hating their grandparents and their relatives, because they told you that your village people wants to kill you, your village people doesn't want your progress, but you don't ask them How? Why? When? Where? they tell you that your ancestors don't want you to live and so you need to do cleansing in the church and reject your background, if anyone calls you from your ancestral homes you wouldn't want to have anything to do with them, you can't even talk with them talkmore of helping them, and so you don't have to come home and help your relatives because they told your ancestral oracles are after your life, every day you wake up you pray against any ancestral spirit, every day you keep on praying against principalities and powers that you don't see, that you do not even know if they are against you for sure or maybe because the white man that worship idol in the Catholic church told you that your ancestors are the villain of the story after killing your grandparents, after they finished killing our forefathers they forced us to believe that our forefathers were the ones that caused the whole issues, they hid the truth from you and they tell you lies, they preach lies to you in the church about your forefathers, they hid the truth of how they killed our grandfathers and molested our grandmothers, sisters and brothers with other relatives, and your are clapping for them and giving them offerings, you are making sacrifice in their alter, meanwhile all those pleasures and sacrifices were supposed to be given to our forefathers who gave up their lives for you and I to live and see today and tomorrow, but you are giving it to the people who happily and joyfully killed your grandparents, you are giving it to the same people who made you to be poor today, you are still giving it to those same people who molested your sisters and brothers and used them for science practicals and you are still believing them, Now how are you even expecting the land of Africa to favor you? if its you would you bless the child that is so foolish enough to sell his birthrights for peanut? How do you want to progress? When you are still going to the church praying and casting down the demons of yours ancestors as the white man told you, but you have not asked the white man where is the demon? How did it come? WhY did it come? What does it want? And they would simply have nothing to answer you because they are the demons they painted your ancestors to be, "they made everything black to look ugly and pitiful and they made everything white so precious, but one day the narrative will Change" Martin Luther king Jr. My sole responsibility is to share this word of truth to all Africans who needs to hear it and abide by it, we have been deceived for a very long time but we can decide to be free today and we will be free indeed, our freedom is in our hands, it's either we fight for it or we will keep on believing in lies and deceit that was concocted by the greedy white man in Europe in Asia, in America and other white continents to defraud the entire Africa, Christianity is the major thing that reshuffled the Brians of Africans and scattered it into a very smaller tiny fractions, Everything they made us believe as Africans are lies,, everything they teach both in the school and in their churches are all lies, Africa has her own modus operandi and it hasn't changed for anything not even for a second, so whoever is telling you that your ancestors were christians, that's a very big fat lie, I could even remember back then that some of the grandfathers that I met where totally against this so called Christianity and we as kids were seeing them as the devils because that's what the white people told us in their lies.