Chapter 24 Black is Original

Africa in the past was one of the strongest continent to have existed, Africa was one of the greatest clan to walk the earth that was what attracted the white people, It was out of their envious and jealous mindset that brought about all this disaster and degrading due to our color, Black is Original, The beauty of Africa is in her color and that's what makes Africa uniquely exquisite, Africa has an advantage over other nations with her vast mineral resources and her relationship with God the creator, Africa practiced earth magic, ancestral magic through ancestral lineage of the gods of Africa, Every tribe in Africa has their gods and goddesses and different means of worshipping them but all under one God, None of the gods demands more than the worshippers can afford, all they demand is what their children can afford, you and I are likely to join those gods one day when we die, God created humans in His image and put His spirit in human to make them a being, God is a spirit, and He said "let us make man in our own image after our likeness" which simply means we as human beings we look like God and we have His likeness which means we can do what he can do because He himself has authorized us, He further stated "that we may perform wonders too" Worshipping God is not a canal affair but a spiritual affair, God is a spirit and they that worship Him will worship Him in truth and in spirit, which means that it is a spiritual thing to serve God, and it is also a mandatory to serve God spiritually because God is a spirit, But Christianity today has nothing to do with spirituality, what they do in church today is they come and clap and sing and dance and preach the lies they don't know and they collect offerings which is the major reason why the owner came there, before offerings and sacrifices were made to the gods direct, you go to the shrine and give your sacrifice, they call it shrine now but that's not what it was, it was a place of worship to the gods of Africa, the gods would now ascend it to God Himself spiritually but today, what they do is collecting money and be packing up in the house, buying different kind of cars and private jets, while their members that are contributing the little they have to them are still starving, what other wickedness is above that? That's the highest evil that is occuring currently in the the world today especially in Africa, people are too naive, that they don't even think or try to reason beyond what they hear every day in Africa, Every thing they teach in Africa are all lies, they don't teach you history in school in Africa because they couldn't just come and tell you that hey we killed your grandparents when they were resisting slavery and colonialism, and even Christianity, these are the reasons they don't teach history in African schools, so that you don't get to learn your real nature and your full potential, so that you don't get to know your Origin and your source meanwhile every African home has a god that guides them, and provides everything for them, and that gods does not demand more than you can afford, they don't demand your children or your life, all they need is that Worship that you worship your pastors in the name of worshipping God, all they need is those sacrifices that you give to your pastors in the name of giving it to God, it was formally been given to the gods and they will be the ones to take it to God, man can not see God, so you don't give God's sacrifice in a casual place, sacrifice to God are made on a holy ground, it wasn't to the pastors, it was formally been giving to the gods and it is still supposed to be given to them even till tomorrow, it is whenever you realize yourself as an African man that you will be able to understand this, Our God is a spirit and He gave us His spirit to guide us, but the white people has come to disassociate us from the main tenets to the spirit of God in us, they made our own religion to look ugly and made Christianity to pose as the savior of Africa, the same Africa that the white people have been killing and enslaving for centuries and now the same white people came with Christianity to save the remaining ones, that's a dream