
** Vision**

  As soon as Rain took her place, "You are  five minutes late, Erena" came a voice of a middle-aged woman cladded in classic business attire as she tapped on Rain's head with a rolled file. Rain had changed her name to Erena ever since her escape from that hell and now only the people close to her knew and addressed her with that name.


"I told you that there is a meeting at nine which means it is also once in a blue moon  day when that fatso is going to show off his face at the office today- The fatso day. It is already a miracle that he is not here yet, or else, you would be packing your things to leave." The woman complained as she sat on her work desk, beside Rain's, sighing.


"Will there be a day when those appalling schemes of our team leader is seen by the higher ups? All that fatso do is take his mistresses for a date every day and then take credits for our hard work  from the higher ups at the meetings. Then, he even has the audacity to shout at us for slacking at our jobs after every single meeting. If not for his connection to that sleazy minister, we would have long complained about him." The woman slammed her hand on the table in fury.


"As if it was not enough, he will be coming more to this office as the annual meeting is just a month away now and he has to feed his brain with reports of every important job and projects that we did this year so that he could shamelessly take the credit for all of our diligence and hard work this past year." then as if something snapped in her, she quickly joined her hands and looked towards the ceiling with starry eyes, "Oh god! Will there be no end to our sufferings? Isn't there any knight in shining armour to end this tyranny of that fatso? I am ready to pay that man with my body if he shows up today." 

"Your knight in shining armour will run away the minute you reveal your compensation plans Andrea." Rain burst Andrea's bubble with a straight face.


"You are no fun Erena." Andrea pouted.

The two of them were polar opposite to each other. While Andrea was a fun loving and animated person, Erena (Rain) had a personality which barely showed any emotion on her face, much less express it. It was only in front of her brothers that she was able to show a bit of her emotions which too had started only recently. But she was gradually making progress in this department and now she showed them in front of Andrea too, but it was extremely rare.  These two people with completely different personality somehow managed to share a cabin and became close friends over a span of an year.


Rain worked as a second assistant to the fatso while Andrea held the second in command position after 'Blake- the fatso'. Since Rain's job was to coordinate fatso's work with Andrea's, fatso cleverly stationed Rain to Andrea's room to keep an eye on her. As if Rain would snitch in her. Both the girls had hit it right off the bat and became good friends within a few days. It was Andrea who had taught Rain most of her work.


Just then a knock was heard on the door. Then a gentle looking man cladded in a typical corporate suit entered the room and reported, "Mam, the intern is here."


"Got it. Send him in after five minutes." Andrea ordered and signaled him to leave as she noticed a confused look on Rain's face.

  "Intern?" Rain asked with a straight face.


"Yes. It's already that time of the year. I forgot to mention it to you that this time  they assigned one intern to our department. Help him out if he needs anything" Andrea gently said as she quickly cleaned her station up before picking up the documents she needed for the meeting with Fatso. "And I want you to welcome him and brief him about the do's and don'ts in our team. Show me the social skills which I have painfully taught you for a year. Now if you will excuse me, I have a meeting to attend.


Before Rain could retort, there was a knock at the door again. After getting the permission to enter, a young, seemingly  harmless looking, and neatly dressed man entered the room. "Good morning, I am Kai, and I am assigned to your team as an intern." 


"Good morning, Kai. I am Andrea, the second in command of this team. And this is assistant Erena. She works as a second assistant to team leader Blake. She will be briefing you about your job as I have a very important meeting to attend. Now if you will please excuse me," saying this, Andrea waved at the intern and headed out in a hurry but not before mouthing to Erena 'He looks like a real prince charming. Grab the opportunity!'


Rain rolled her eyes internally at her friend as she maintained her poker face outside. 

Unknown to them that when they were having their secret conversation through their eyes, the face of the man in front of them had a momentary shift in his expression which was quickly corrected by him the next second.

"Good morning, Ms. Erena." Kai turned to greet Rain with a gentle smile plastered on his face. 

"Good morning, Kai. Welcome to Vision and team one. Let me give you a brief description of what you will be doing here for the next three months. First, you…" Rain continued in her monotonous voice.

Elliot had a fully focused face as he stared at Rain. Her eyes to be specific. He didn't know why but a strange force was pulling his attention to her eyes. He had not heard a word that she was saying because all his focus was gathered on those pair of hypnotizing eyes in front of him. He was so immersed in them that he failed to notice a little frown formed on the face of the owner of those eyes.


After briefing him on his duties, Rain asked, "Do you understand? Feel free to ask me of you have any queries." It was then that she noticed something unusual with the situation. She had spoken so much but the intern in front of her had made no movements at all. She finally had a proper look at the man and she had to admit that the guy was quite handsome. Just like her brothers. May be a little more than them but she would not tell them. It was the first time ever that she had found someone more handsome than her brothers.


She quickly pulled her distracted thoughts and called out to the man in front of her who seemed to be in a trance. 'Had she failed to reign in her aura and scared the shit out of this intern?' thought Rain as she had used a bit of her dominating aura to pull of a senior vibe in front of this intern.


Worried that she had over done it, she called out to him, "Mr. Kai, are you alright?" She called out again when she did not get his answer, "Kai. Are you alright? Kai? Mr. Kai?" Rain repeatedly called him and when she did not get any answer, she walked to him and gently tapped on his shoulder. "Mr. Kai, are you alright?"