

After battling with the crisis, the day before, team one had even more things to do today. They just managed to subside the news and deal with the problems in the market the day before, but they still had to deal with the after maths of the problem keeping their hands full for at least a week.


  Inside her office Andrea was continuously checking the data and numbers in her computer careful not to overlook any mistakes. After a while she took a deep breath "The damage is quite large this time. It will need at least a week to handle this. Damn and I thought I will have a good time playing detective for a change."

It was always Andrea who used to investigate and find the culprit for their trouble each year but this year it seemed it would take a while to cope up with the damage. But they were lacking in time. Especially this year. This year the year- end meeting was viewed as very important by their president. He was holding a grand banquet later that night, after the meeting for which their entire team was invited. They could not afford another attack to the company or else it will be a big blow to them before the annual meeting. Time was of essence, and they needed to find out their rival this time before the annual meeting.


Vision faced a major crisis three years back for which it was at the verge of bankruptcy. If not for Andrea and her team one at that time, Apexi would have declared bankruptcy for Vision, and they would be done for. That is why they did not want another turmoil in the company or else Apexi will permanently shut down the Vision which was the main reason that many of the youths still stayed in the city close to their family.


"I would not be able to deal with this problem in a short while, but we have to catch the culprit as soon as possible before he causes us any more trouble. That's why I have decided" she then turned to Rain, her eyes shining like stars like she had seen her saviour "Erena could you please go to the store and find out who instigated them to cause trouble?"


"ME?? NO WAY!!!" she said pointing her index finger to herself.


"Please Erena. It's only you who can do this. You know with the current problem except you, entire team one will be busy for a while. And I do not trust anyone else in this entire company for such a big matter. It looks like someone wants to repeat what happened three years back which we absolutely cannot afford. Please Erena.  Be our saviour. Pretty please." Andrea said joining her hands and blinking her eyes, trying to be cute. "Take the handsome intern with you. He will be your chauffeur and assistant for this case. Take this as a date with him. See I am even sacrificing a handsome guy for you."


"Fine!" Rain could not reject Andrea's request specially when she was always helping her. Rain did not care who came with her.


Outside, the entire team one was doing their best to deal with the damage done. Elliot was trying to help them to his best ability which was bringing them coffee whenever someone asked. 


After making about twenty cups of coffee for a ten-membered team he craved some for himself and went to make one. He was thinking of the problem this time and the behaviour of his suspects around this time. He was short-listing the list in his mind when he was abrupted by an incoming person. 


"I heard you are following Erena to investigate the matter." A voice asked from behind.


Elliot immediately restrained his murderous aura before turning his head to find out it was Max who had entre to refill his coffee mug. "Yes, Miss Andrea just asked me to help her. Besides, I am not helping here much anyway."


"It will be a great help to us if you can identify the person behind this turmoil. Please do your best to help her." Max patted Elliot's shoulder.


"About that… uh… I... I saw that miss Erena does not seem to know about the job that much. I mean there are people much more qualified for her post, why hire her for such an important position." Elliot asked hesitatingly. These past few days, he had grown quite close with the other members of the team, especially Max. All thanks to him being new 'neighbour' of Max 'coincidentally' which leads them to commute together and be together most of the time.


Although he did not suspect Rain, he was still bothered by the fact that how did she manage to enter the core team of the vision with her qualifications. Vision was the dream of his grandmother who wanted a company in her hometown so that no other children had to leave their parents to disappear in the unknown city and disappear just like her elder brother who left home when she was five. He never came back breaking her parents' heart and was one of their major regrets in life. Thus, to prevent other families from breaking apart she decided to establish Vision once she had means to.

  Elliot did not want his grandma's biggest achievement to succumb to the cruel world of business. Thus, to ensure its safety he had to pull out any weed that could be detrimental to the company. Besides, there was also this thing about his attention shifting automatically to that girl whenever she was present around him and it was starting to irk him somehow.


"Not everything can be measured with qualification Kai." The voice pulled out Elliot from his thoughts as it continued, "Trust and hard work are also important among team member to work harmoniously.  You are wondering how she managed to enter the company despite her qualifications, aren't you?" Max smiled "Well, that's a quite interesting story."