
This witness of theirs had suddenly quitted his job and moved to the next city soon after the ordeal in their company which made them suspicious of him, so they decided to question him.  They headed towards his new address as provided by his previous neighbours.

As they had set out early, Elliot knew that both of them hadn't had breakfast yet so he pulled over one of the roadside restaurants mid-way to grab a bite to eat on the road. As he went ahead to grab something for them to eat, Rain's phone chimed.

"Hey sister Rain" an overly enthusiastic voice rang. "Praise me! Praise me! Praise me! I did something good. Tell me now, who is your favourite?"

Unknown to her, a gentle smile spread on her lips as she heard this child like mannerism of her brother. "Mmm. You did well Alex! Obviously, you are my favourite but don't tell Zed, okay? Now tell me what good thing you did?" Rain asked shaking her head with a gentle smile.

"I forged your documents. Now no one can doubt you. " Alex said proudly.

Rain frowned. "Huh?"

"Please don't be angry. Bro Zed refused to tell you this lest you worry, and you recently had that nightmare too. So, we didn't tell you this before….. Anyways now that the problem is solved it's alright to tell you. Someone had been digging up about your past these past few days. When I got an alert at the beginning, brother Zed and I sent our men to hide your traces and create more evidence in support of that fake story that we crafted, but the person would just not give up. So, I got frustrated and hacked into Abrea's data base and created your fake documents. Now you are officially a citizen of Abrea until I hack back and erase all your trace." Alex said in a thrilling voice. He voice depicted how proud he was of his job.

"You guys…. Didn't we promise to not do anything illegal that might blow our cover in the future?" she sighed, already knowing the answer. Right or wrong did not matter to her brothers whenever it came to her safety. Thus, she did not press on this topic and just chided him a little. She then asked "Did you find the person behind this?" Rain's eyes darkened.

"We are still trying sis.. I tried tracing back to them through hacking, but they are way too careful and are not using any means which could lead to them in anyway. They might even be using a completely different channels or networks for communication. I need more time to dig into it. This person seems to be quite powerful with a strong foothold in Abrea," Alex sounded dejected for the first time ever since the call started.

"You did well Alex. You sure are my most beloved brother." Rain said in a pampering tone consoling her brother's dejected soul.

"I know I am great." His playful attitude kicked again as soon as he heard his sister's praise. "Sis.." The voice suddenly turned serious the next second.

"What is it?"

"Please promise that you will come back if things start getting difficult there." The voice sounded concerned.

"I know." She said almost whispering. Just then, she heard some background noises coming from the other end of the call. "Are you in a concert right now?"

"Yes, its about to start soon. And before you start nagging me, I will take plenty of rest after this so don't worry about me. Your beloved brother knows how to take care of himself unlike a certain sister." The voice again turned back to the original playful tone.

"Are you trying to mock me?"

"Haww… how do I dare to mock my sister. Never! I was just stating the truth.. hehe… Huh!! Oh Yeah, I am coming… " his manner suddenly changed, as if talking to someone on his end. "Sis they are calling me. The concert is about to begin so, I have to go now. Talk to you later. Bye sis. Take care and come back if things start getting difficult for you. Love ya." He said in a hurry and disconnected the call. He was running away from her just like a naughty child who would run away from the parents after doing something wicked.

Rain shook her head at Alex's playfulness. She wanted nothing more in her life than her brothers living a happy and carefree life. A flashback hit her as she was having these thoughts.

In a dull room, a frail girl occupied the bed accompanied by an old man. The girl was bandaged all over the body while one of her hands were attached to a drip.

"What do you want to do next?" The old man asked, standing at a corner, and looking out of the window of what looked like a hospital room.