Kidnapped 3

"As a host I should offer you both to a nice dinner, but you see, we have a few things to talk. So why don't we get it over with quickly before the dinner. If you cooperate it won't exceed five minutes.

The boss mistook their unfazed expression as their attempt to hide their fear. He did not believe that these two were unfazed on facing such a dangerous situation. He cackled as he headed towards Rain and Kai with a knife in his hand. The kidnappers had only tied their hands and not their legs as they did not believe that these weak looking man and girl could cause them any harm or even escape them. They both looked frail to them.

"Now your future lies in your hands." The boss said in his croaky voice as he approached them. "Tell me what that Jack told you. Or else you will regret being born."

"He did not say anything." Kai said nonchalantly.

The boss turned to Kai "Tsk Tsk Tsk… Do you think I am a fool? I've been in this business for ten years now and I am able to tell when a person is telling a lie. Would you two give him money and help him to flee if he did not help you? Now tell me what he told you two and how much of it did you reported back to that Andrea? If you tell me, I will treat you both to the scrumptious meal that I bought back. I might even let you two off the hook unscathed if you give me some valuable information about how much you guys know. If not, be ready to die a painful death that too on empty stomach. I know you guys have not eaten anything after that breakfast this morning."

The threat came off as a joke to the two hostages, but they did not show it on their faces. Their expressions neutral.

The boss approached Rain with the knife and held its sharp edge against her fair neck with a smirk "So girl, tell me what did that puny scared crow told you? Tell me and I promise I will let you go."

"He.. He really did not tell us anything. It's true that we had a lead that he knew something, but it turns out he was just leaving the country to fulfil his wife's dream. I felt pity that's why we offered him some money knowing that he just quitted his job and will need money in his new place. After all, he has an old mother and two little kids." Rain tried to act scared.

The boss laughed. "Oh! Scared, are you? Don't think I don't know you Ms. Erena. With the experience of being kidnapped thrice in the past year I know you would not be scared this easily." He said looking at her face with a smirk as if seeing through the girl.

"So you are saying you pitied the young ones and the old one huh? But don't you care about your intern?" He signalled and one of his men approached Kai an pointed his gun at Kai's head. Rain looked on with an expressionless face. "Tell me everything or this junior of yours won't see the sunrise tomorrow."

"I already told you Jack did not say anything" Rain's face turned back to her usual poker-face. She reckoned it was useless to act scared in front of him.

"Hehe... hahaha… so it was true then. You really stood up to your reputation of 'poker faced Erena'. Andrea sure trained you well. But Ms. Erena this is not a business dealing where masking your expression will help you get a deal with favourable conditions. Neither we are some lame kidnappers whom you faced in the past year. Tell us what you know, and we will spare your partner's life". The boss's face turned dark as his voice got heavy with murderous intent. But it did not faze Rain a bit.

However, her face was still unreadable. She first looked at Kai then around the room as if searching something.

The boss took her actions in and frowned. After a second as if coming to a deduction he said, " It's no use looking around. Are you planning to escape leaving your junior here? But to your disappointment there is no way to escape for you today. As expected, you really are a greedy person, aren't you? Of course, you are. You don't even hesitate to backstab Andrea, your mentor for a lousy amount of money, don't you? Then, why would you care about your intern?"