President Elliot

Despite warning Dr. Rishi, her brothers still came to know about what happened. It turned out when she called him previously, Zed was with him who then told Alex about it.

She was lectured for almost three hours straight by both her brothers and they almost took her back to Fraoca[1]. Her stay at home was turning into a headache due to constant nagging of her two male mothers who called her almost every hour to inquire of her condition and rest.

Rain returned to her work after two days unable to take the nagging despite her brothers' protest. If she couldn't even handle her pestering brothers, she wasn't fit to be called their elder sister. After all she had singlehandedly raised them.

By the time she returned, Andrea had replaced Blake in his position and Blake the fatso had become a history. His reputation was ruined not that he had any to begin with. Rain was assigned as Andrea's assistant which was not much different than before. What surprised Rain the most was seeing Elliot still doing the job as an intern.

"Good morning, Miss Rain. you should have taken a few more days of rest." Elliot greeted her once he spotted her entering the office.

"Good morning, Mr. Ellio…"before Rain could finish Elliot cut her mid-sentence and mumbled" Miss Rain I plan to work as an intern here till the annual meeting so I would like you to treat me as before and keep my little secret till then. And please call me Kai."

"Okay. And I feel better now as it was only a minor injury, so I came back" replied Rain to which Elliot nodded. For the next few days Elliot kept a close eye on Rain worried that her injury might reopen. It was confusing even for him as to why was he doing this. Every time he decided to stop it, a pair of eyes would flash in his mind and he would find himself standing in front of Rain.

Soon the day of the annual meeting arrived, and the representatives of the Vision left for city Andville, where the headquarters of Apexi corporation was situated. As Andrea was joining the meeting as the team leader of team 1, Rain also had to follow as her assistant. Except them, and team one, Director Han Jun and his assistant were also joining them for the meeting along with some other core members of Vision who were not attending the meeting but were invited to the banquet.

Elliot chaired the annual meeting as the new president of the corporation which came as a shock to many. After the meeting the banquet was held where Elliot was introduced to the world as new President of the Apexi corporation.

The representatives of other Branch companies were accommodated in the came five-star hotel where the banquet was being held which came under the Apexi corporation. After the banquet Rain was resting in her room when she heard a knock on the door.

Assuming it to be Andrea who came for a late gossip as Elliot being the new president had shaken her to the core, she opened the door only to be surprised. Elliot stood on her door with the same suit that he wore for the banquet.

"May I have a word with you miss Erena" asked Elliot. Rain nodded and stood aside to give way for Elliot.

"I would like you to join the headquarters of Apexi corporation and work as my personal assistant" Elliot came straight to the point as he entered the room.

"Sorry? I think it's getting windy so I could not hear it properly" Rain said unable to digest the sudden request.

"I said tha…." Elliot was cut by a knock on the door.

Andrea stood on the door as Elliot opened it. She was shocked to the core when she saw Elliot opening the door. She gulped and mumbled "Sorry president. I think I came to the wrong room". Then she took a step back and rechecked the room number. 'Room no. 3102. Am I wrong? I thought it was Erena's room. Wasn't she assigned the room next to mine?' Andrea appeared to be utterly confused.

"You came to the right room Andrea. Come in" Rain's voice came from behind Elliot. She was spot on when she said that Andrea would come for late night gossip.

Andrea was having a hard time wrapping her head around the bomb that was dropped today. Since the meeting, she was rewinding past month in her head in a repeat mode to make sure that she had not bullied Elliot in any way and that she had maintained her image as a good employee. Nothing came to her mind except for some harmless flirting which she did on a daily basis. She had no idea how she had spent the rest of the day. Once she had cleared her head, she came to find Erena for gossip but never in her dreams had she expected to see Elliot in Erena's room.