Apexi Corporation

Being one of the leading businesses of the world, The Apexi corporation owned a entire building for it's headquarters. The entire building was bustling with people early in the morning which reminded Rain of a beehive. She stood in front of the building and looked at the brilliance of the world's best multinational company. It stood there proudly, akin to a king sitting on his throne and looking down on his subjects.

She took a deep breath and entered the 'castle' heading straight towards the 'emperor's' office as all the other necessary formalities were already completed by the competent 'minister' Jay.

Just as she stepped out of the elevator on the thirtieth floor, she felt the envious gazes of all the people present on herself. Low murmurs could be heard as she headed towards the president office.

"It's her. I heard she was working at Vision where our new president was working undercover and there she worked on a case with him which impressed our president. Moreover, she had been there only for a year"

"Really? How lucky. We have been working here for years and the old president still didn't know our names. Hope the new president will pay more attention to us."

"Hey what are you talking about? It has only been three days since President Elliot assumed the position. How could he know all our names. And how do you know that he doesn't know our names. The first day he assumed the position I heard him ask assistant Jay about the information on all the people working in the corporation and he even addressed everyone with their names in the meeting today. He is so impressive."

"Yes. Yes. We know that you are smitten with our handsome President but remember that you are already married and a mother of two."

"So what if I am married. That cannot stop me from worshipping an idol."

"You are right. Our president is indeed an idol. This girl is so lucky. She gets to work with our idol. I heard that her name is Erena."

The voices faded as Rain reached the president's office. She knocked on the door to the office.

Inside, Jay was reporting Elliot on the recent development. "And sir, about the matter last night, we received news that there were traces of gun firing on the site, but our people has scouted all the hospitals and private clinics in the country as well as other places where medical facilities could be provided but there is no one who come under our radius of suspicion. It's as if the people from other party were not injured at all which is even more suspicious. Because the number of bullets found at the scenes were no joke. They could injure even a troop of hundred people what more there were sharp shooters in the Monkey gang who were quite famous in the circle for their accuracy. There is no way the wound inflicted by those could be treated privately unless they have a well-equipped hospital setting."

Just as Elliot was about to speak, he heard a knock on the door. Knowing that it would be Rain at this time he asked her to enter.

After getting the permission she entered the office to see the people's idol sitting behind his desk akin to an Emperor listening to his subject. The subject in the scenario was obviously Assistant Jay who seemed to have finished his report just now.

"Good morning miss Erena. Welcome to Apexi Corporation. Hope you will have a pleasant working experience." Elliot said smiling.

"Good morning, President Elliot. Thank you for this opportunity." Rain smiled.

"Miss Erena, you don't have to show this business smile in front of me. I want my people to be their true self when working for me, so they don't have to divulge their attention in maintaining their fake expressions." As he was saying this, a pair of innocent eyes flashed his mind which left an itchy sensation on his heart which he chose to ignore.

"Noted, President Elliot." Rain said.

Elliot frowned, not liking the way Rain addressed him. "Miss Erena, call me Kai like how you used to." Elliot said, surprised at his own words just as they left his mouth.

But even more surprised was Jay who had to amass all his experience of twenty years to not show it on his face. 'What happened to our boss. Is he not feeling well? Or is he planning something which I am not aware of? But that doesn't seem to be the case. No, I have to call Dr. Li to have a check-up on our boss today no matter how busy he is.' Unknown to him that there was more to come in the future.