What's wrong with you, Young Master?

"Okay" Rain agreed, not thinking too much about it. If assistant Jay did it, then for her it was a part of her job too.

When Rain followed Elliot out of the office building, all the employees back at the office looked at her like an angel sent by the gods to protect them from the wrath of the devil. They swore there and then that there will be no back bitching about her, and they will remain loyal to her, after their boss of course.

Elliot lived alone in a villa in one of the poshest areas of the city. Once inside, Elliot brought Rain to the study room showing her the documents that needed to be sorted out and he himself lied down on a couch placed there.

As Rain was busy working, Elliot was busy staring her with a stupid grin plastered in his face like an infatuated teenager.

When the butler entered the room to deliver some snacks, he was horrified by the scene there. 'Maybe I entered someone else's study room' he turned around and exited the room only to reappear after a few seconds. 'Oh god! Why are you playing tricks on me? Did you place some sort of teleportation magic on the study room's door such that I got teleported to someone else's study room?' He exited the room once again and reappear after reciting every prayer that he knew.

When the scene in front of him did not change unlike his expectation, he rubbed his eyes. He rubbed it again and again until it turned red but the spectacle in front of him remained unchanged.

As Rain was immersed in work, she ignored the slight noise at first, knowing that it was the butler. But even after five minutes and exiting and encroaching the room twice, the butler appeared to be glued to the spot making her alert.

She turned towards the middle-aged man, who appeared to be rooted to the place. She asked "Are you alright, sir?"

Noticing her movement, Elliot followed her gaze, and a man came to his sight. 'What an unpleasant sight" he frowned. "What are you doing here butler Zhu? And what's wrong with your eyes? Why are they red?"

'You are asking me? I want to ask it. What's wrong with you, young master? I have never seen you grinning without a reason before. What more it has been more than five minutes and there hasn't been any sign of fluctuation in your expression. Don't your cheeks hurt?' The butler whined in his mind.

Unknown to him, his master has been displaying this emotion for an hour now. If he found out, he would have had a heart attack.

"Butler Zhu?" Butler Zhu jerked back to his senses as Elliot called him again.

"Master. I… I… am fine. I was jus… just here to deliver the snacks. Something just entered my eyes, that's why they might have turned red. Sorry to bother with your important work master. I will just keep the snacks here. Miss, make sure to eat them, they are healthy. I will take my leave now." Butler Zhu hastily uttered and dashed out of the room not wanting to stay here anymore. He wanted someone to wake him up from this nightmare.

Rain tilted her head and looked at Elliot "What is wrong with him? Is he ill?"

It was as if an arrow pierced his heart 'So cute!' if his eyed could show emotions, red hearts should be seen flowing out of it. Elliot shook his head, taking control over his emotions and said, " Maybe he is tired. Don't worry, I will give him a leave. In fact, as I am taking a leave today, let me give all my servants a leave. They rarely have time to rest." Saying this he ordered his butler to pass on his order.

The entire household was stunned. Their workaholic master had not only taken a leave himself but had given them one too. Just who is that girl who came with our master? No matter who she was, they already liked her.

By the time Rain was done with the work, it was already dinner time. When she raised her head, she found Elliot sleeping. The sleeping Elliot appeared quite peasant to look at to Rain. She dazedly stared him for some time, unwilling to move her gaze from this beautiful scenery. Somehow, this scenery put her turbulent heart at ease. She recollected the time when they were about to be kidnapped on the roadside, and Elliot's words and actions at that time. Her lips raised a little unknown to Elliot as he had his eyes shut.