
After hearing what Rain had to say Dr. Rishi went silent for a minute. After analysing the entire situation, his eyes almost popped out of his sockets. "Rain dear, I have to analyse the situation before coming to a conclusion. For now, why don't you do this, stay away from him. Just treat him how you would other strangers, okay?" Dr. Rishi said hastily, wiping his sweat.

"Okay Dr. Rishi. I will listen to you." Rain said.

After Dr. Rishi disconnected the call, his assistant who was not in any better position than his boss after hearing Rain on the call, asked while wiping his sweat, "Doctor, what miss Rain said, why does her situation sound like that of someone falling in love?" he gulped at his own words. "What will we do now, sir? We are doomed. If Mr. Vijay find out that miss Rain has started to develop feelings for someone else, he will…" he didn't even want to imagine the consequences. " What do we do if miss Rain fall in lov…No. NO! This can't happen. Mr Vijay would surely start his revenge from us. After all it was us who allowed her to go to Abrea. Old man Rees really played it dirty this time. If Mr. Vijay found out about it all hell will break loose." He was sweating buckets.

Doctor Rishi pinched his glabella. "You are forgetting about a pair of male mothers, Mazi. They are going to wreck a greater havoc than Vijay if they even get a hint about it" he sighed. "We will be in dire straits if that ever happens. That old sly wolf Rees really played it dirty. I cannot let him achieve his goal this easily. Thank God! Rain called me when those devils are not here. Even I feel like my daughter is being led astray, what more Alex and Zed. Rain is way too naïve to fall in love right now. She will only get hurt if we allow it now. No, we have to stop it." Dr. Rishi was intent.

"Then, what should we do now?" asked Mazi.

Dr. Rishi took a deep breath and put his hands on Mazi's shoulder, "Mazi, let us put our head together and think of a plan. We have to survive this tribulation with our brains" Mazi nodded.

Back at the roads of Andville, a certain someone was cheerfully driving towards his home unaware of the fact that there were already a few villains who were hatching a plan to stop the heroine of his love story from getting close to him.

There remained a constant stupid grin on his face till he went to his bed. He was in a jovial mood because of the time he spent together with Rain today. Even if there was no interactions between them, there was a strange comfort in that silence. He was proud of himself for listening to Rain and taking a leave and calling her to his home today. 'I think I should begin taking occasional leave from now on. It's good for my mind as well as my body.' Thinking this, he began to recollect today's events in his mind. The way Rain sat thee and worked, The way her poker face looked, he every little gestures, Rain's thoughts encapsulated his entire mind and he gradually fell into deep slumber with that stupid grin on his face. That night, he felt that, that night's sleep was the most peaceful sleep that he had in a long while.

The next day, the entire building of the Apexi corporation was in an uplifted spirits because their boss not only stopped targeting them but even arranged for them to have a sumptuous breakfast. As most of the people had to rush to the office as they lived quite far so they had to miss out in their breakfast, they were happy to meet with such sumptuous breakfast. However, they did not know that their happiness was short lived.

The next day, Elliot sensed something amiss with the way Rain interacted him. Previously, when he would assign work to her, she would sometimes chime in her ideas about certain things. Although not major ones but he liked It when she said, "But Kai I think…" and then she would share her ideas. But since the day before she would just receive orders and went on to carry on her work like any other assistant. She had not called him Kai since yesterday.

Yesterday he was way too pleased to notice it. But when it continued the following day too, he was annoyed. With the plethora of documents in front of him, he was in his own world sitting on his office chair 'Is she ignoring me? But why? I didn't do anything wrong, did I? I don't think there was something unusual that day, then why is she ignoring me now.' Then he slapped his cheeks with both hands, 'No Elliot. Nothing happened that day. You are just overthinking it' he coerced himself.