Li Bao

....."Look at these slides."

Elliot stared hard at the screen in front of him following his friend's words and began comparing the two slides. "Why are they looking different? Why are these lines moving?" Elliot pointed at one of the slide on the screen with a confused gaze.

"See. Even you are able to decipher that there are some changes here" Li Yang said excitedly. He further explained to his friend when Elliot continued to give him confused glance, "These two slides are showing the DNA of same person. It is of one of our men before and after injecting them with that drug. Don't you think that it is brilliant. I am still unable to wrap my head around the incredibility of this drug. It is so amazing. If it was made by Happy then he is a pure genius."

"You are saying that the drugs are starting to take effect and our men have began to undergo changes?" Elliot asked as he began to understand his friend's words a little.