The revolting truth

"You don't have to be Erena. It was my fault in the first place. They would not have kidnapped you if not for me. I nearly put you in danger and exposed your existence to that Dred whatever. I am so sorry. I am really glad that you are alive." Elliot eyes softened when he looked at his love.

"No, you don't have to be sorry. If not for the Monkey gang case, they would have never suspected you. It was all my fault. And I am sorry that I called you a wussy" Rain's voice trailed off as she finished.

"Wait do you mean that Monkey gang case was your doing?" Happy asked despite knowing in his heart.

"Isn't our sister great. She single-handedly finished them." Alex had a proud smile on his face.

Both Elliot and Li Yang were taken aback but it was nothing as compared to what they had seen the day before, so they quickly digested it.