Wrap up of the party

"Oh, I am sorry." Alex instantly releases Jay from his grip with a red face. He didn't know why he was feeling embarrassed at the moment. "Umm, sister Rain really found out Dred in this party. That was the reason I was behaving this way." Alex tried to explain to Jay.

"She did? Really? That's great. Who's that bastard?" Jay was genuinely feeling happy to finally find that monster.

"I don't know. I was a mess of emotions in that instant with all that hacking…" Alex abruptly stopped at this moment and rushed back into the control room leaving behind the words, "I still haven't stopped him."

Jay who was utterly confused followed behind Alex only to see him sitting in front of a laptop and dancing his fingers across the keyboard. From Alex's words just now, he understood that it has something to do with hacking so he just shut his mouth and waited for an explanation.