Li Yang's lost brother

At the same time, the phone in Jay's pocket chimed and he instantly took it out to check the notification. Unlike Li Yang who was still hesitating, he was quick with his fingers and looked up at Elliot once he read the message, "Boss, the result of the DNA test is out. I have sent it to your email."

And as soon as he finished his words a loud thud sound was heard in the room.

Everyone looked at the source of the sound and there stood a bedazzled man with wide eyes and frozen body as his eyes turned watery. The phone he was holding just a few seconds ago was now on the ground all cracked up.

Zed, who was standing closest to him was the one first to react, "Dr. Li, what happened? Are you alright?"

Li Yang was brought back from his stupor by Zed's voice turned stiffly towards him as he mumbled, "How is this possible? HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE?!"