Aftermaths of shocking revelations 2

"I am so sorry. I didn't mean to say this." Rain instantly apologized but it was all too late as she saw a dumbstruck look on Elliot by her sudden comment. She instantly cursed Andrea for forcing her to watch all those teen idol dramas back then.

"Really? Then what did you mean to say?" After initial bafflement, Elliot was amused.

"I… I…" She stuttered to find an excuse.

"Baby, are you jealous?" He grinned.

"I'm not!" She exclaimed.

"Really?" He raised his brows.

"Let me eat in peace. I'm famished" she stuffed her mouth with food in order to avoid answering him.

"Now you know how to feel famished? Why did you skip lunch hours then?" Elliot just muttered, not expecting an answer to this statement. He even served her a serving when he noticed that the food on her plate was almost gone.

She broke the silence after a while, "Alex has been quite close to Jay recently. It's probably Jay's video games that Alex bought."