"Davareon Leland Alexia Durhamezh"

When Davy brushed the hair down her back, their eyes widened at seeing the seal Engraved on his back.


They were all amazed when they saw the Engraved seal on Davy's back.

What surprised and amazed them was that the seal on Davy's back had a different symbol from the seal Leon had on his chest.

The seal currently so beautifully engraved on Davy's back has a symbol in the form of a pair of rainbow-colored wings that are so beautifully engraved on Davy's shoulder blades.

The location of the shoulder blades is at the back of the shoulder or upper back and is flat like a triangle. The scapula or Scapula forms the posterior portion of the shoulder girdle. In human anatomy, the scapula is the bone that connects the upper arm and collarbone bones.

There, the symbol of a pair of rainbow-colored wings was engraved beautifully on Davy's back.