Vic's POV

I rushed to the kindergarten as fast as i could,because Ares called me and said he had headache,oh god maybe he cought flu or some virus

''baby,are you alright,does anything else hurt''i started hugging and kissing him

''no mommy,it doesn't hurt anymore,look this is Dean,my best friend,doesn't he look just like me?''i took a look at his friend,this birthmark,wasn't it on Ares's face yesterday?how is this possible

god maybe i'm imagining things

but they looked exactly the same,no difference

''you're the little guy Ares told me about yesterday,he didn't lie you look the same''i pinched his little red cheeks''oh are you leaving too?''

''yeah,i had a headache too''

''oh,where is your mommy,i'll wait until she arrives,so you two can play a little''

''i don't have a mom,she died when i was born,my daddy will be coming''

''oh,i'm sorry little guy,then we'll leave when your dad arrives''

i said as they went to play on playground,they were whispering something all the time,what a weird generation

''buddy,over here ''i heard someone saying as i turned around to see mr.wylde waving on Dean,he has a child?

''daddy,daddy,look this beautiful lady is mommy of my best friend,we look like twins''

''I see,Ms.Garcia is my employee we already know each other,you guys do look alike''He smiled at them and then turned to me

''so Mr.Wylde,we have to go now,I'll see you at work''

''no noo mommy,i wanted to go to zoo with Dean,can we?''Ares looked at me with puppy eyes

''i have some papers to do,i'm sure Mr.Wylde has to work too,next time baby''

''pleasee daddy,tell her that you don't have work and she can do paperwork next timeee,i want to play with Ares''

''ok ok,stop yelling,Vic we can go to the zoo for a little,you can prepare papers next time''

''Alright,then mr.''

''call me Lucas''

''Ok,Lucas,let's go then''

he drove us to the Zoo kids almost yelled from happiness

i bought them cotton candy while Lucas was not looking

''pick anything i'll pay''he sayed and kids started to run around buying everything

''no no no,this is too much sugar,your tummy will be hurting after,here have some apple'' i gave them apples and we went to look at animals

''mommy look they are married and have to boys that look the same,i want brother like that too'' some little boy pointed at us talking to his mother

i giggled and looked at Lucas,he was smiling...why do i get this feeling like i know him from somewhere

i saw boys whispering again

this kids are so strange

about after an hour i was so exhausted that i tripped on something.WITH MY HEELS

''are you alright,are you hurt anywhere'' Lucas cought me and helped me stand still

''i'm fine thank you for helping''then i looked at Ares who was obviously not even noticing that we were there''Ares baby,it's late already,let's go home''

''okayy''he looked at me sadly,i hugged him and lifted him up

''we'll be going by now Lucas,see you at work''

''alright,we will leave soon too''

''drive safe.bye bye buddy''i said to Dean and went to my car,on the way back Ares fell asleep

aaah he's so cute