Vic's POV

i woke up from dizziness,my head ached.i looked at the time,it was already 1 pm

bro i slept that much...i stood up to see if Ares was awake,he usually wakes up late at weekends

when i smelled something delicious from the kitchen

did the nanny stay over?

''lucy,i didn't know you were he-Lucas?what are you doing here?''it hit my mind that i wasn't wearing anything except underwear,i ran back to my room and got dressed

''your friends were drunk so i drove you over''

''oh''was all i could say when someone knocked at the door

i went to open it

''hey girl,you forgot your phone yesterday and i was too drunk to remember,so here''she gave it to me and went inside''Oh bloody hell,i knew there was something going on''

''mommy?daddy is here too?''oh shit

''yes baby,did you sleep well''i lifted him up

''hey buddy''

''MOMMY?DADDY?''i felt sam going crazy

''ok,let me explain''i told her everything

even thought it felt absurd

''so you are not a couple''

''that's right''

''yet''Lucas winked at Ares,i rolled my eyes at them and told him to bring Dean home

after Sam left Lucas's butler brought Dean home

''Aresss''he yelled and hugged his brother

''are you not going to hug your mommy too?''i made the puppy eyes as he hugged me,they went to play,i could notice Lucas was thinking about something all the time

''what's wrong?''i asked and looked at him straight into his eyes

''you wouldn't be so confident asking me that if you remembered''he giggled and left the room to answer the phonecall

what the heck is he talking about

did i do something stupid yesterday?

and that's when the flashbacks came

''WHAT THE FUCK''i yelled while thinking and noticed Lucas laughing from the other room

he came back in few minutes smirking at me

''don't come closer you pervert''i held the frying pan

''me?a pervert?''he left out a long laugh''last time i checked you were the one perverted''he took the pan i didn't even notice how he did it

he pressed his lips on mine sliding his tongue,in a few seconds i gave in the kiss

his hand was holding my waist so wouldn't fall of

i felt his other hand sliding on my back under the shirt

i pushed him away

''kids are in the other room''i said breathing heavily

''they are playing right now''he kissed my forehead

it's like we were a family i never actually had when i was a kid

only family i had was my brother

''i'll have you one day''he mumbled i didn't hear clearly what he said

''what?''i looked at him,but he made the face like he didn't say anything

''mommy,let's live with dad ,can we?''

''no we can't''

''yes you can''he took his phone to call someone''Albert,send people to pack things from here and transfer to the mansion''

''THE WHAT?''my jaw dropped as if i didn't know this rich person had a mansion,but still it was surprising''hey mister,when did i agree-''

it was like i didn't even finish saying that and we were already unpacking things at his house

''NOW THEY ARE MARRIED''kids yelled from the babies room

''this is absolutely crazy,what the hell''it was just too much for one day

''your room is on the third floor,next to mines''

''thank god,i thought you would force me to sleep in your room''i mumbled

''it has connected doors''he smirked like a demon

''you little-''i wanted to hit him so hard,but with that tight shirt,it would just make me stupid and obviously i would think about it all day