My parents can't be dead!

... her vision is covered by the blinding light from above. She feels herself falling backward landing heavily on the ground.


She closes her eyes tightly hoping somehow things won't end badly.

'Professor Tenji is here, nothing can go wrong now.' Her mind tells her repeatedly. 'Just stay put!'

Her thoughts continue running wild despite knowing better.

Before the fire reaches her, however, Tenji unleashes a torrential barrage of spells relentlessly consuming the fire and striking the beast.

When the smoke clears revealing the aftermath, the beast lies dead having suffered severe burns covering most parts of its body.

It was then that Asahi realized where they currently stood; atop the roof of the building next door.

"How did we–" Before he finishes speaking, he realizes the answer immediately.

Thinking back on their professor's ability, it did seem plausible that he could use an ability similar to Rumi's but never did, until now.