He's doomed

They wore masks that were shaped similarly to those worn by ninjas during ancient times that concealed everything other than their eyes that stared straight ahead in complete silence. Their eyes glowed red in coloration making everyone wonder what exactly these people are capable of doing when they're not bound by any rules or regulations set forth within the academy itself.

Dai felt a chill run up his spine when he realized the true nature of the people who stood before him.

"You guys... are you the Dark Phoenix?" Dai asked, looking at the group with wide-eyed surprise.

"We don't need to answer your questions, boy," the leader Rean said, sounding like a man based on his voice. His statements came off as soulless and robotic, but it was obvious from his tone and demeanor that they weren't ordinary folks. They had all been taught how to fight and appeared to have received the best training possible.