Robert Brault once said that every lie is two lies, the lie we tell others and the lie we tell ourselves to justify it, and right now I'm staring at Veronica and I have no idea what to say to her. We barely know each other but she deserves the right to know the truth. The only problem was how to tell her.

"Why are you staring at me like that and when did you change?" Veronica asked confused.

"It's- it's nothing and umm... I fell over Luca and he spilt a bowl of punch all over the both of us so he gave me his shirt" Sianna rushed nervously.

"Just like that, didn't you almost try to kill him?" Veronica asked shocked by Luca's act of kindness.

"I know but he was nice to me but he also didn't fail to remind me of what a total jerk I've been" Sianna said sadly.

"Sianna, I'm sure everything is going to be alright" Veronica said as she went for a hug and then the both of them hugged each other. Sianna's guilt was killing her as they both hugged so she decided to tell Veronica.

"Hey... I need to tell you something" Sianna said calmly.

Meanwhile, Angelica and Mindy gathered around Luca's living room with the likes of Luca himself, Brody and four other people by the name of Olivia (the one who those girls in the bathroom were talking about), Callum, Sophie and Daniel (the boy Angelica had a crush on). They all decided to play truth or dare. Angelica opted out of the game but Mindy insisted that she stayed just in case she would earn the opportunity of kissing Daniel so she did.

"I'm gonna go first. Daniel truth or dare?" Brody asked.

"I love a good dare" Daniel said with a grin.

"That girl over there, the one with the orange mini skirt..." Brody said pointing towards Leslie. She had on a white long-sleeved crop top and an orange mini skirt with long black high-heeled boots. Mindy and Angelica were nervous about the dare Brody was going to give Daniel.

"I dare you to walk up to her...and give her a French kiss" Brody said with a grin and Daniel agreed to do it. Leslie knew who Daniel was but she didn't know what he looked like. She was in Sianna's department hence why.

"This cannot be happening" Angelica mumbled to herself as she watched Daniel walk up to Leslie. He got to her and leaned against the wall.

"Hey" Daniel said to Leslie with a smile.

"Hi" Leslie replied with a smile as well and then Daniel gently grabbed her and gave her a French kiss. Minutes later, he withdrew himself from her lips.

"I'm sorry for kissing you just like that" Daniel apologised.

"Don't be, I liked it" Leslie said with a grin and then left his sight. Daniel came back to the gathering smiling as though he had just won a trophy. Angelica, who witnessed the kiss left the game disappointed. Mindy tried to stop her but she was already too far gone.

"Dude!" Brody and Callum cheered as they shook Daniel's hands one after the other. Daniel then took his seat.

"Congratulations Daniel" Sophie said sarcastically.

"Why did Angelica leave?" Daniel asked Mindy confused.

"Cramps" Mindy stuttered nervously.

"I'm glad she's gone anyways..." Olivia said but got interrupted by Daniel.

"Hey don't fucking talk about her like that" Daniel warned Olivia angrily.

"Whatever. Luca, truth or dare?" Olivia asked with a grin.

"Truth" Luca replied calmly.

"Tell us how you feel about Sianna you know, the grim reaper" Olivia asked. Luca didn't know how to answer her question so he took quite some time.

"Well I..." Luca said but was cut short when Veronica came out of the bathroom with Sianna chasing after her. She yelled Olivia's name which practically stunned everyone at the party. She sighted Olivia in the midst of Luca and co and went up to meet her.

"You fucking bitch! I'm gonna erase you from this fucking earth!" Veronica yelled angrily as she pounced on Olivia. Luca and Sianna managed to pull her off of Olivia's body but before they did, she successfully caused little damage to her face.

"Calm down Veronica" Sianna said panting as she and Luca held her off.

"Let that stupid bitch at me! Yes, I fucked your boyfriend not just me Brittney as well! Why wouldn't he when you wouldn't let him do the same to you!" Olivia retorted as Sophie comforted her.

"You are a fucking whore and that's what you'll ever be!" Veronica said and then she spat on Olivia's face. Olivia got angry and slapped Veronica. Veronica got pissed and kicked Olivia down to the ground. She tried to get free of Luca and Sianna's grip so she could hurt Olivia the more. Luca asked her if she was planning on hurting Olivia once she had gotten free and she promised that she wouldn't. When they were sure that she wasn't going to hurt her, they let her go.

Jesse who had been waiting for Veronica came out of the room to the living room after hearing the commotion.

"Veronica could kill you, you know that right?" Angelica asked Jesse who stood next to her.

"Why?" Jesse asked confused about what Angelica had just said.

Veronica turned around to leave the living room and that was when she saw Jesse. She walked up to him calmly. Along the way, she carried a cup of booze in her hands. Her hair was rough, part of her clothes torn and her eyes had dark circles around them.

"Babe, what's wrong?" Jesse asked confused by Veronica's behaviour. She got to him and then threw the booze to his face and then she slapped him. Everyone was overcome by awe. She then left his sight and went outside Luca's apartment. Mindy, Angelica and Leslie chased after her. Callum went to comfort Jesse and Sophie took Olivia to the bathroom to clean up her wounds.

"Wow!" Luca exclaimed out loud.

"Okay, everybody party's over" Luca yelled and soon after, they dispersed. Daniel met up with Angelica outside Luca's apartment.

"Angelica, hey, why did you leave the game?" Daniel asked concerned.

"It's nothing don't worry about it" Angelica said and then she walked away almost in tears. She met up with Veronica and co so they could call a cab and go back to the hostel. Sianna then realised that she had left her phone in the bathroom so she went to get it. Luca went to the bathroom to have his bath. He had a white towel around his waist when Sianna came in. She was stunned to see him and she apologised for seeing him half naked but he didn't care.

"I just... I just came to get my phone" Sianna said nervously and then she picked up her phone. She was about to leave but then she turned around.

"I'm sorry Luca for judging you so wrongly and I hope you understand how ignorant and stupid I was" Sianna stuttered. She patiently waited for Luca's response but he didn't respond. As she turned around so she could go back to her friends, he spoke.

"My dad told me about you and I don't blame you or anyone for judging me wrongly. I basically grew up without my parents. I barely saw my mum only on weekends. Everyone at my high school saw me as that pompous rich kid and it was who they saw in me that I showed them. On coming here, I threw the old me away and started a new journey where I no longer gave a shit about what people thought about me" Luca said sternly well rested on his bathing tub.

"That's so sad" Sianna said sadly.

"You look good in the shirt by the way" Luca said with a smile.

"Thank you. You look good in that towel as well" Sianna said with a smile.

"You should go before Veronica comes in and drags you out of here" Luca jeered and they both chuckled.

"Yeah, I probably should" Sianna said with a smile. As she was about to leave, Luca asked her for her number. She was stunned but she gave him either way. She finally left Luca's apartment only to meet Leslie crying.