The thing about carnival nights is that many things we don't plan to happen happens, and no one least expects it. I felt like the only one missing out on one of the greatest events of BCC though I couldn't care less.

Sianna was in class and as usual, Luca came in before the lecturer. He decided to seat at the back of Sianna this time around. As he walked to the back of the class, his eyes and Sianna's met but this time around Luca was the one that did the looking away. As the class went on, Luca could feel that Sianna wasn't paying attention and he smirked when he noticed it. Sianna then turned back to have a look at him but he pretended like he hadn't been looking at her. She then brought out her phone and texted him. These were their conversations;

"Stop existing!" Sianna texted.

"I shouldn't text you but you can text me, unbelievable" Luca replied.

"You know what you're doing to me so stop it!" Sianna texted.

"Stop what?" Luca replied with a smirking emoji.

"I don't know, whatever the fuck it is you're doing to me" Sianna texted.

"If anyone's doing shit to you it's yourself. You know you're running away from your feelings" Luca replied. Immediately Sianna read the text, she got annoyed and turned around to look at Luca and still, he pretended like he wasn't seeing her. She then turned to face the lecturer and began typing. She was about to text "fuck you" but then the lecturer called her out for using her phone in class. She then dropped her phone on the table and turned around to have one last look at Luca and this time he was looking at her. He smirked and it got Sianna really frustrated.

Classes were over and Sianna left with Leslie. They weren't sitting together like they usually did. They went back to their hostel so they would discuss the carnival preparations. Leslie, Veronica and Mindy all gathered in Sianna's room so that from there, they would attend the carnival. Gabby helped Veronica to select what she would wear for the carnival from the pile of party clothes Veronica brought from her room. Angelica helped Mindy do her hair and Leslie used her hair remover to remove the little hairs on her body. Sianna was on her bed watching them prepare.

"Let's have a little girls' afternoon before it's carnival time shall we?" Veronica suggested with a smile and everyone was all for it.

"Okay, first question...who was y'alls first kiss? We all know Leslie's first kiss so I'll go first. Mine was my teacher in high school" Veronica confessed and everybody was shocked.

"Your teacher? No fucking way" Gabby said in disbelief.

"He was so fucking hot, there was no way I was gonna graduate without giving him a kiss" Veronica said with a grin and everyone chuckled.

"Mine was a boy in middle school. It didn't last but it still counted as one" Mindy said and they all agreed with her.

"Okay, so mine was a girl, my best friend in high school. She was actually teaching me how to do it" Gabby said with a chuckle and the rest of them laughed.

"Mine was a boy in my high school. Daniel knew about him but we broke up because he was such a jerk" Angelica said sadly and they all comforted her.

"I... I don't have one" Sianna lied. It was only Gabby and Angelica that knew the truth but they decided to keep shut and respect Sianna's decision of keeping her and Luca's done relationship a secret.

"You better be joking" Veronica hoped.

"Weird right?" Sianna said sadly.

"I mean it's not that weird but like up till that's a problem. The more reason why you have to attend this carnival" Veronica said with a smile as she hopped on Sianna's bed to convince her to attend the carnival.

"I'm not going, sorry" Sianna said sadly.

"Ronnie, let's not force her into doing anything she doesn't feel comfortable with" Angelica said calmly.

"Of course Angie. She's old enough to make her own decisions" Veronica said sternly.

"Oh my God, Leslie you've been shaving for hours, are you gonna get laid this night or what?" Mindy jeered.

"Stop over exaggerating and no, I'm not gonna get laid, I just wanna remove the hairs I have on my body. Is it a crime to do that?" Leslie stressed then Mindy threw a pillow at her and she fell flat on the bed. That was how it turned into a pillow fight. They began throwing pillows at each other laughing and having fun. When they got tired they all fell on the bed and began panting.

"Guys... I just wanna say thank you for making me part of this all of this" Sianna said with a smile and the rest of the girls were overcomed by awe.

"I love you guys" Sianna said almost in tears.

"We love you too" The rest of the girls replied almost in tears as well.


Callum and Brody drove to Luca's apartment to pick him up for the carnival but Luca told them that he wasn't going.

"Sometimes I don't understand you man. Boys like us were made for things like this" Brody stressed.

"Leave him man, it's his choice. But don't ask us to bring any female souvenirs back for you" Callum said as he jokingly pushed Brody so they would leave his apartment and drive down to the carnival.

The carnival started at about 7:30 pm though more students arrived by 8 pm. The girls excluding Sianna arrived in a taxi. As they came out, Callum sighted them and then went to meet Veronica.

"Hey Ronnie" Callum said nervously.

"I wanna spend tonight with my girls, so if you don't mind" Veronica said sternly and then she left his sight with the girls. Brody who was watching from a corner came to make jest of him.

"Shut the fuck up dude. I'm gonna win her over tonight just you watch" Callum declared sternly.


Sianna laid on her bed trying to remember anything from the night she and Luca made out but she couldn't. Her mind was clouded. The only thing she could remember was telling Luca to kiss her and when she remembered that she said that to him, she shivered out of awkwardness. She tried to have a shut eye but she couldn't. Luca kept on popping up on her mind. She could no longer handle the way she felt that going over to his apartment and insulting him would be a great idea to get him off her mind. So she got dressed quickly, locked the door behind her and flagged a taxi. She got to Luca's successfully and as she knocked on his door she kept on repeating the insults she was going to reign on him.

"You're an idiot, I don't like you, fuck off and fuck you" she repeated multiple times until Luca opened the door.

"Fuck me" She said surprised to see Luca at her front.

"What?" Luca asked as he chuckled in between.